I'm about 10-15 hours into Fallout 4 and discovered something incredible... Jack/Subject Zero from Mass Effect, one of my top 5 favorite video game characters ever, is in Fallout 4... Well not entirely, but the voice actress, Courtenay Taylor, is the voice of the female protagonist. Ever since Mass Effect 2 came out, I have loved the character Jack. I am a young man myself, and really wanted to do my first play through of Fallout 4 as the female protagonist. I really wanted to make my experience with Fallout 4 a bit more unique. I know more people often choose a male protagonist. Additionally all of the promotion has been of a male protagonist, so I wanted to change things up a bit and I'm really liking the female protagonist play through so far.
I had no idea Courtenay Taylor voiced the female protagonist, so after a bit of time playing Fallout 4, I thought I heard hints of Jack's voice when I selected dialogue that was more along the lines of things Jack would say (typically when making 'badass' statements). After a quick google search, I confirmed the voice actress was the same. I really enjoy Fallout 4, and now that I know my character's voice is voiced by the same actress that voice Jack from Mass Effect, I am enjoying it even more.
I know there are a few threads on the voice actors that exist already in this forum, but I just wanted to ask if anyone else discovered this, and how it's impacting my gameplay. As I stated before, I personally love the character of Jack, particularly her voice and look in Mass Effect, but I know she doesn't get a whole lot of love when compared to some of the other female characters in the game. I think Coutenay Taylor is an awesome choice to voice the female protagonist - I'm loving her dialogue in Fallout 4 so far. Has anyone made this realization themselves and what does it mean for you?