Settlements Repair Itself

Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 3:56 pm

So I've been making settlements only since level 2. Done a bunch of Minuteman quests. Sometimes fast travels screws me and a settlement gets owned even with 75 defense. I repair everything then continue another Preston quest. But today I was about to repair Warwick Homestead and the crops all magically reappeared and all the tourettes were repaired. Is this a normal occurence? If so, that's awesome and lame at the same time. Level 42 PS4 normal difficulty

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 4:05 pm

Yep settlements will eventually repair broken things but it seems to depend on what is broken. Water pumps and generators takes a while to repair while food sources and turrets repair a bit faster.

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Chloe Yarnall
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 11:36 pm

Thanks. I thought my game was corrupt or something. That's strange though. I wonder if the settlers repair them if the materials are in the work shop. I don't have a supply line so I'll test it out in my newest settlement with just 3 settlers. I'll send them to another settlement and destroy everything.

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Noely Ulloa
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 4:31 pm

I think it just resets after awhile.. like lots of other things. I haven't done much with settlements although I find it humorous that all my settlements, (except for sanctuary which I go to all the time.) say that the population is 0. Every time they get attacked the population count dwindles. But if I fast travel there, they are all still alive and well. The counter then resets itself. It's kind of like the game wants me to feel guilty for not running off and defending the settlement so it tries to make me think they're all dead.

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Ellie English
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 3:34 pm

i think this happens if you have the resources needed to repair at the settlement in need of repairs. im not fully sure but this has at least been the norm in my game.

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 10:42 pm

Other than having some settlers get killed, and maybe? losing whatever you might have equipped them with as far as weapons or apparel, I don't see any long term consequences from just simply not giving a damm about rushing off to defend them when attacked and manually repairing afterwards.

It got tedious with all the missed alerts, so I just quit. I'd lose a settler or two (sometimes a shop keeper, so a pain to have to keep re-assigning a store) and maybe some resource production for a while, but that seems to be about it. The beacon just keeps them walking in like illegal immigrants so the population seems to fill up again quickly.

When I'm able, I really enjoy helping defend and watching the defenses in action, and hey, free loot off of the corpses of the guys who died coming over the wire, but in a game with so much to do, it was a boat anchor on my gameplay.

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 11:02 pm

I discovered that when I didn't have the materials to repair a turret and a water pump at one of my settlements so went out to scav for the materials. By the time I got back I discovered somebody had beaten me to it.

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