Building Mode Easemants and Requests, please also post yours

Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 11:36 am

I currently have two of the five building sites at Sanctuary Hills (the spots where you can scrap the ruined buildings) rebuild with a three floor building (8x7 spaces) each and want to request the following official (non-MOD) additions to the building mode, if possible:

- much more maximum settlement size (still need to build three additional buildings) and no, I dont want to scrap the many nice trees that are still present in the perimeter (scrapped only stumps, branches and logs); also I removed the complete interior objects from all of the small existing buildings just to be able to build my 2 (medium-sized) houses with only a small count of interior objects each

- I heard that the maximum settler count is 21 due to the 11 charisma stat wich is way to low; at least for big building sites like Sanctuary Hill it should be more like 50 upwards (as it is my Capital)

- if I want to e.g. build a new object while being inside my houses I have to look upwards if there is no roof or I have to look along a long corridor, else I pick up an existing piece of the house

- some of the existing building lots in Sanctuary Hills have a hedge narrowly close to the lot and at that position I cannot build a wall for this house on the first floor, please make the hedges no-clip for building purposes; also currently those hedges are all connected and using the Console does sadly not yield an ObjectID to disable the hedges for building purposes where required

- new half wall segments wooden and steel and small 1x1 roof segments (as my houses are mostly 8x7 spaces and the 1x1 segment cannot currently have a wall/roof and thus produces a gap)

- new interior door segments wooden (steel?) middle of full wall and half wall version

- a new flat wooden and steel entrance segment much like e.g. the flat second last steel wall

- connecting a house to electricity should require only one wire (I have made an awkward looking chain of wires around my houses on the second floor to get all the TVs and lights running)

- there should be an additional button that processes all of the stored junk items in the workshops to raw materials, as transferring raw materials between settlements is far quicker than scrolling through the junk list for minutes

- standing in a house with working roof should diasable radiation damage from the Rad-Storm

- the ability to merge existing parts of a house to one building unit that can be copied and moved as one unit (specifically when the ground floor is build with fitting segments)

- wall segments build in the interior should snap towards the border of each floor segment (without the need to temporary remove them, like I have to massively) and much more user friendly (I have to constantly move fore and back, left and right and rotate to get it to fit)

- chairs should snap to tables they are build next to and in the best position to be able to sit down without problems for NPCs

- a new 1x1 wooden floor segment with concrete support for the many rough environments

- I noticed quite often the NPCs (settlers) stand above their beds instead of sleeping in them or doing something appropriate

If you have further requests please write them down (like I do) below, thank you!

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 8:37 pm

-Lockable doors and containers

-Roll-up garage doors (like red rocket has)

-Guard towers with built-in weapons

-Settlers should close doors & gates behind them

-Better settler pathfinding

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 9:32 pm

Maximum settler count is unknown, but over 60.

I really want a bore that does more than 3 water. 10 and 40 like the purifiers would be fine.

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Kitana Lucas
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 8:55 pm

Demolish the damn broken houses, or at least fix them. They look like crap and the settlers that do nothing but hammer at random things should at least fix them to pre war conditions.

Get the wood that's readily available in the environment instead of just the wood inside the workshop area.

Concrete houses. 200 years have passed already.

Perfect wood and metal, not with so many holes.

Copy and paste function.

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Jessica Nash
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 4:42 pm

- Unlock faction furniture after joining them, not just the flags.

- Conversations between Settlers about random topics, not just the named Settlers.

- Unlock furniture that is already in the game but for some reason we can't build. A broken fridge is more useful than a TV that gets no reception.

- Have settlers gather together during their breaks, to eat and drink, like the residents of Diamond City.

- Less strict placements. We can already build floating houses, so placement should be more flexible without having to use workaround like door mats.

- Have settlers take shelter during Radiation Storms.

- Items that don't fall through furniture after a while.

I'm sure all of these will be added by the modders (Some already have), but we don't know what kind of mods will be allowed in consoles.

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Jonathan Egan
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 10:05 pm

-Animal husbandry, for food/leather
-Clipping issues dealt with
-Bug fixes for the snapping tool
-Corner roof segments
-Angled roof segments snap inline with other roof gradients
-Click and drag turning for build items (PC)
-water piping (like electrical wiring) so we can have functioning bathrooms, must be able to build through walls etc.
-settler rosta for assigning jobs.
-actual concrete walls
-defence guard posts (small ones) able to snap to wooden floors or foundations etc
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Auguste Bartholdi
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 2:23 pm

_ Name settlers depending on their jobs (or better: give them a random name)!

_ Removing an existing interactible building for settlers (like guard post) remove the trigger too, for exemple, in the castle the guards keep going to the location of the 1st guards post, even after removing them...

_ Better behavior of suppliers when they arrive in a settlement (for exemple, in castle again, when they come back with their brahmins they all stack in the middle near the big radio, with their cows, completely ignoring constructed walls etc...

_ Link to the previous one, having the possibility park supplier's brahmins somewhere, instead of having them in the middle running like crazy.

_ Indoor doors.

/!\ _ Want a cat !!! Not a dog !!! _ /!\

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James Wilson
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 11:02 pm

Cat farm, and cattery. Also more cat paintings and cat statues. Yes that will do
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 7:17 pm

Some good suggestions there... Especially like the ... snap chair to table. I find that one rather brilliant.

Apart from better settlement management, which I've given suggestions for in bigger detail in other threads (autonaming according to tasks, manual renaming, auto equipping according to player defined task template and so on)...

For building?

-doubleheight floors with pillers / concrete underneath.

-concrete floors, with the floor replaced by dirt, for raised and level food farming"... Possibly with plants being snap to, to prevent them bugging out from being too close.

-planters for rooftop farming. Possibly again with plants being snap to.

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Robyn Howlett
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 9:29 pm

Being able to move in all directions, regardless what your key bindings are. Since I walk forward with right mouse and strafe with Q and E, I can only move backwards while in Settlement/building mode. Imagine how much fun it is to assign settlers to different tasks or build a wall around Sactuary when you can only move backwards!

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Alan Cutler
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 9:40 pm

Use the autorun key to move forward, and switch to walk/run speed depending on how far you need to go.

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Eileen Müller
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 11:28 am

Hey, that's brilliant, I thought, and immediately booted up the game only to find out that autorun doesn't work in Settlement/building mode. Well, colour me surprised.

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Manuela Ribeiro Pereira
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 2:32 pm

It does for sure, i'm using it all the time to move forward. Bind on "X" key.

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 9:21 pm

Well, for God's sake! I had it bound to Z, and it didn't work, so I thought... that it didn't work. But binding it on B DID work. Dear Lord, what the hell is Bethesda doing with the key bindings?!? Why can't I have it on Z? Christ.

In any event, thanks, that put a load off my back.

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Natalie J Webster
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 4:21 pm

Honestly I thought that this would be in-game too. I had assumed pre-release that Fallout Shelter was kinda their test bed for settlement ideas. They have a list of random first names & last names from Fallout Shelter already which works fairly well. I was surprised to see it wasn't used to name our settlers.

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Becky Palmer
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 4:30 pm

You're welcome^^.

I use "Z" for moving forward (i'm on azerty) and it's not working at all in building mod... :/ But in the end, we all get used to those weird "moving" hotkey :)

Yup, and this is not something that would have taken time nor ressources to to :(

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Richus Dude
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 2:58 pm

My settlement wish list:

- For more flexible fencing: make wire fences work the same way you connect electrical wiring: set up a bunch of fence posts, and then clicking from one post to the next and presuming you have adequate steel, you can "draw" fencing from one post to the next in largely any configuration.

- For things that do snap, make snaps rotate at at least 45 degrees if not smaller increments, like 15.

- Toggle snap/on off.

- I understand it's probably disallowed due to graphical glitches, but make an official toggle collision command as well, so we can overlap items if we want. The tcl command is not adequate.

- Make "wall patch" items that are basically a line of boards nailed together (in different sizes). Let them attach to ANY existing flat standing structure so we can make it look like we patched up the building. For example, for the standing, un-scrappable buildings in Sanctuary, you could attach these to walls and windows that have gaps in them to fix the gaps.

- A system that lets us patch the roofs of standing structures we can't scrap, like the boathouse or the houses in Sanctuary. If it's not possible to make an object that does that, let us assign settlers to do "repairs" that will cause the standing buildings' appearance to change/improve over time (we leave for a few days, when we come back, it loads a different texture on the house that makes it looks like it's been worked on).

- Heck, let us be able to assign a settler as a repair person who can auto-repair items that are damaged by raids as long as you have adequate supplies. Could be unlocked with Local Leader 1 if seems too powerful.

- Repeating what's already been said, but just as settlers assigned supply lines are renamed "provisioner," rename ALL settlers according to an assigned job (scavenger, guard, trader, bartender, etc.). Then when we see someone simply named "settler" we know they don't have a job yet. Being able to custom-name settlers works too.

- Masonry walls (building reqs: ceramic and concrete).

- Painted walls. I mean, there's cans of paint in the game so obviously, the people in the game world should be able to paint walls if they want to (and an NPC that does just that in Diamond City). It can even require the "paint" objects you can collect to do it!

- Echoing others, also, just some nicer, more "finished" looking walls, floors, and ceilings in the wood and metal categories. Could unlock with a magazine or Local Leader perk if it needs to feel "earned."

- Let TVs play radio stations so they do something other than just show a test pattern. Some TVs were designed to pick up radio signals as well IRL. Otherwise they're just a waste of a unit of power.

- Let us be able to put trader stations inside buildings.

- Improved settler sandboxing. I find it weird that the jerks in Sanctuary insist on cluttering up MY living room (that Codsworth has worked SO hard to keep the leaf pile proportions just right), but refuse to sit inside the nice lounge area I built for them--with free drinks and a pool table and everything!

- While ALL pathfinding desperately needs to be fixed, please, please, please fix the brahmin pathfinding.

- Outhouses. I KNOW the plumbing for those toilets don't work, so they need some more hygienic outdoor options as well. They're hard to build from scratch.

- Settler happiness should increase, presuming all basic needs are met, with more recreation amenities (jukeboxes, basketball hoops, pool tables, etc.)

- Turn settler protection OFF. I feel no need to defend them given I know they can't die. I tend to ignore "under attack" quests and then just fix the damage afterward.

- Unlike many, I DON'T want settlement size increased, because my save games are already big enough. But settlement size IS buggy and does need to be fixed.

- Windows, both unglazed and glazed. Glass display casses too. If our characters can somehow mold Nuka-cola bottles into terminal and TV screens, they can make a simple window pane.

- We need a full, central supply line management UI. Whether it's accessed from the Pip-Boy or workshop menu or wherever, I don't care. We need not just a MAP but a list of provisioners and where they carry their supplies to, and from that screen we should be able to change or cancel routes. This is especially needed when you have a lot of settlements -- it's nearly impossible to catch a provisioner once they start going and you have no idea who is the provisioner to or from where.

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