Forgive me if my English isn't good I try my best
This dlc will take place in old Langley falls you find that this town is restored to per war happy peaceful people
But in this town you run into is run by a new faction it call nation's pride this new faction they are the idealistic's of a new America
The nation's pride is founded by vault dwellers from a major vault that holds 300 people there overseer was a us senator
The nation pride didn't get a military unit latter so it in between the time your frozen
There military is made up of ex soldiers enclave brotherhood of steel mercenaries scientists too the nation pride military will protect the family and love ones at new falls at all cost they there to help protect and expand new falls government for more land
And the np scientists develop new weapons is work on a new flying machine to help scavenge the area and new Light Power armor that don't use much power core
What dose np as it as it own ammunition factory power Station and some casinos and your regulate Bar game places like gunrunners or something like that
new Radio station play little 60 Music
So far I only got little two plots to this
One is what ever faction you join one of them send will you to investigate a patrol that went missing as soon as you get to the patrol last location you get ambushed and knocked out
that were they do the introduction of the dlc
and if you haven't join any faction and your a certain level it will show up on your pip boy to a distress signal for help to there out post
All so this idea allows you to join to the faction and it military if you do join it give you a special perk doing there training and give you a nice per war home
That my big crazy idea I know not much of a story but this is kind of big sounds cool