Idea for a superior leveling system

Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 3:07 pm

The perk system is fine. Some perks shouldn't get to maximum lvl so early though ( craft armor. Ugh ) and some of that endurance crap should be replaced for some anti explosion and anti poison stuff.

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 1:51 pm

There are similarly minded mods for Oblivion as another poster mentioned. Not sure if it was developed by the same guy or not, but GCD was a huge improvement over the vanilla leveling system in Morrowind. If you still play that game, seriously consider looking into GCD. Completely different experience from that single mod alone.

Never tried nGCD or Realistic Leveling. I just couldn't get into Oblivion long enough to try modding it. Both mods sound pretty awesome though. GCD was more about which skills were your primary or secondary or miscellaneous skills. Primary skills raised your attributes more than leveling your secondary or miscellaneous skills did, but also raised your "background" character level faster. It was just a much more logical system than Morrowind's vanilla system. If nGCD or Realistic leveling are any better, I'd love to see those become the basis for a "vanilla" system in a future Fallout or TES game.
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