Wow...just when I'm all excited about my 14th hour into the game, completing quests, leveling up, only running into the occassional glitched rad scorpion half buried in virtual sand, I run into absolute gaming horror. While returning to the ncr mojave outpost, i get my free repairs by the trooper and im about to exit building locks up. I figured it may be a glitch with opening my menu too many times while in that location, so i start up again. Once again, crashes as i try to exit building. 3rd time. I manage to exit building. Right in front of me, somehow, like a slap in the face, is the tail of a radscorpion protruding from the ground, obviously alive...reminding me of the semi annoying early game glitches i encountered. I walk 15 feet...and game crashes again. 4th time, game crashes while trying to fast travel out of there. I reset my cache everytime...soft resets, hard resets, @#$%% semi resets....obviously not helping much. If anyone responsible for this fine craftsmanship manages to read my post, thanks for taking care of your loyal customers by sticking a virtual radscorpion stinger up their @$$%!