Dismantling legendary gear but keeping the perks

Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 1:18 am

it'd be really nice if we could dismantle legendary items but still keep the perks as if they were enchants like in the Elder Scrolls games.

There are certain perks that i really enjoy but others that i find totally useless. for instance i dont use many VATS enhanced weapons as i think of VATS as being a bit cheatish, mainly as i find it makes the game to easy to walk along pressing L1 incase there are enemies nearby, it also spoils the immersion when you slow the game down to make pin point shots. I'm sure its not just me, i play a fair few FPS's so I'm not a bad shot.

Basically id like to be able to take things like the explosive rounds perk and put it on a shotgun. Now I'm sure if i played it for long enough id find a combat shotgun with that perk on, like i have with my 10mm pistol and my mini gun but it would just add another level to the gameplay.

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Richard Dixon
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 4:24 pm

Like mods for armour.

I had a similar though. I found some metal raider armour (right arm) with +1 STR & +1 CHA. I want a full set of Combat Armour (only just found a Combat Helmet on a dead BoS member). I recently found the CA version of the STR/CHA so promptly dismantled the raider version and replaced it.

I thought it would be good for armour pieces to have a single mod slot per piece and you could choose what goes where.

Some would be the doubles like above that increase SPECIAL. Some would be singles. Some could improve resistances and accuracy etc.

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 1:36 pm

afaik there is a mod on nexus board where u can craft your own weapons with any legendary perk you want, same for armor. There is also a mod that lets you wear layer armor over any other armor, highly recommendet.

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Jodie Bardgett
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 8:23 pm

I'm on console until next year. PC needs upgrading. Better and more stable mods after GECK is out anyway.

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Kelly Upshall
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 5:00 pm

It feels a little cheap to me. I wouldn't mind scrapping legendaries = 3X more junk than normally given and much higher chance of a variety of different uncommon/rare junk items.

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Miragel Ginza
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 12:01 pm

for me the armour i wear is more about looks. I've got the big heavy metal shoulder pads that look like super mutant armour but they have no legendary perks, same for the rest of my get up which is made from Heavy combat armour, and the lieutenants hat from the USS Constitution missions.

I like the look but its all plain. i sometimes rock a combat helmet to that has 15% vats perks but nothing special in my opinion. it'd also be nice to apply legendary perks to power armour. so far the only legendary piece I've found was a raider chest piece called Tessa's Fist and raider PA looks [censored]e.

On a separate note, the option to wear armour over any under garment would also be nice. id like to be able to wear a suit or tuxedo and still equip amour over it.

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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 1:16 am

For the armor, I can agree. It's frustrating to find amazing perks on piece of [censored] leather or raider armor. I haven't come across any legendary pipe pistols and rifles yet and hopefully that won't happen.

For weapons, though, it's much more of a slippery slope. If I can change my explosive perk on a 5mm to an explosive perk on a minigun, that is potentially gamebreaking. Half the fun of these perks is that you have no control what they will end up on. It encourages you to change your weapon setup. If you can just put any perk on any weapon, that takes some of the fun out of it for me.

But I suppose it's not too bad if you do that with melee weapons. For melee weapons, one weapon to the next looks just like a static upgrade as long as they have the same speed. If anything, I would want to encourage myself to use signature melee weapons more.

So. For armour; awesome. For melee; awesome. For guns; only in select circumstances.

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