it'd be really nice if we could dismantle legendary items but still keep the perks as if they were enchants like in the Elder Scrolls games.
There are certain perks that i really enjoy but others that i find totally useless. for instance i dont use many VATS enhanced weapons as i think of VATS as being a bit cheatish, mainly as i find it makes the game to easy to walk along pressing L1 incase there are enemies nearby, it also spoils the immersion when you slow the game down to make pin point shots. I'm sure its not just me, i play a fair few FPS's so I'm not a bad shot.
Basically id like to be able to take things like the explosive rounds perk and put it on a shotgun. Now I'm sure if i played it for long enough id find a combat shotgun with that perk on, like i have with my 10mm pistol and my mini gun but it would just add another level to the gameplay.