Finalised build - heavy weaponsmelee

Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 8:49 pm

After several posts and a bit of research this is my build for a heavy weapons and melee character...


Highish strength and an extra point from a certain place will make it 8 so can then upgrade big leagues, heavy gunner and basher.

4 perception for picking and early bobble head will allow option to invest in explosives later game.

Mid endurance to get life giver and addy skeleton.

1 charisma...will slowly invest later on

8 int. To allow for nuclear physicist which later on will make power armour and gatling accessible. Also gun nut to modify weapons.

Agility 1...

Luck 2 for scrouger to aid with heavy weapon ammo.

Play style will be to get jet junk early on, and a flamer as they seem the most viable heavy weapons. Also carry and use a melee weapon like the axe or a supersledge for the majority of early mid game fighting. As the game progresses can upgrade heavy guns and power armour to make the heavy guns side more interesting, still using a melee weapon for weaker enemies or when ammo is low.

Once i have a modded rocket launcher i will probs invest a point into demolition expert to increase damage.

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Frank Firefly
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 1:51 pm

I dont think that this build is close to being optimal. You will probably have to go full melee early on as you wont find many good heavy weapons (and even less ammo for it). I played a melee on survival myself and i have to say, that meleeing without vats is a pain in the ass. Therefore going agility is a must for me for a melee build, especially Blitz (agility 9) is awesome. The damage increase when you level it for the second time is ridicolous. Sneak and Ninja are also vital, you can basically oneshot most enemies with it if you have a decent weapon.

In addition to that, you should really try to get to Strength 9 for rooted because the 25 % damage increase applies to every melee VATS attack.

My advice would be the following:








Yeah, thats really not much like you wanted it but i would advise you to drop lockpicking for the start. Do keep in mind though that you can also level up each of the SPECIALs when you level up. So you can still get lockpicking/explosives/nuclear physicist later on but imho Blitz and Rooted are too important to ignore early on.

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Gisela Amaya
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 9:22 pm

It's close to the best build in the game in my opinion. Rocket launcher - plasma thrower is what I would go with.

Lower your strength a bit, you don't need to bash enemies. Get 3 charisma for the lone wanderer perk. 6 intelligence is enough, you don't need the nuclear physicist perk, fusion cores are plentiful. Chemist is the last perk you need in there. Luck to 1, you'll get bloody mess way later.

Plasma throwers are big guns, and way better than flamers. You're better off using conventional, perk-less weapons with perk boosted grenades at lower levels than trying to scrounge for minigun ammo. Also, later on, the fun trick with the rocket launcher is to use the automatic guided missile aim for long distances; when enemies gang up on you, start vats and shoot a rocket, because the damage reduction in Vats will save you from your own missile explosion. All you need is 1 missile and 1 stimpack per packs of ghoul eh! You might want to sneak at the start of the game, but later on, you won't need to. I cheated my character once I got the main quest done just to try it out, and a missile launcher with big gun and explosives maxed allowed me to 2 shot mirelurk queens.

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stacy hamilton
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 8:49 pm

I found out that this build works pretty well:








Max out stats first and pick bobblehead (int last and start with int 1), pick first idiot savant and save scum alot.

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Tammie Flint
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 9:31 pm

From past posts the plasma thrower is affected by the rifleman perk not heavy guns

Thanks for the feedback though
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Mario Alcantar
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 2:51 pm

I just seems a bit wrong sneaking, with an axe etc.
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Dan Scott
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 11:40 pm

If it makes you feel better, take a knife or sword. ;)

Well,i guess it depends on if you want to focus on the melee part or the heavy weapons. My build focusses on melee and the 10 x multiplier for sneak attacks is just ridicolous. If you want to focus on the heavy Weapons Agility does not make much sense of course.

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Marcus Jordan
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 11:11 am

i have to state this over and over in may post... there is no proper plasma thrower. the gun is just plasma rifle, so it is affected by commando/rifleman perk

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 6:09 pm

Agreed. Not a heavy weapon
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