Highish strength and an extra point from a certain place will make it 8 so can then upgrade big leagues, heavy gunner and basher.
4 perception for picking and early bobble head will allow option to invest in explosives later game.
Mid endurance to get life giver and addy skeleton.
1 charisma...will slowly invest later on
8 int. To allow for nuclear physicist which later on will make power armour and gatling accessible. Also gun nut to modify weapons.
Agility 1...
Luck 2 for scrouger to aid with heavy weapon ammo.
Play style will be to get jet junk early on, and a flamer as they seem the most viable heavy weapons. Also carry and use a melee weapon like the axe or a supersledge for the majority of early mid game fighting. As the game progresses can upgrade heavy guns and power armour to make the heavy guns side more interesting, still using a melee weapon for weaker enemies or when ammo is low.
Once i have a modded rocket launcher i will probs invest a point into demolition expert to increase damage.