^^ yep what he said. I don't have idiot savant, and it's not huge xp or anything but anywhere from tiny to usually less than 100 xp, like 47 or some odd number like that usually.
Sometimes I will start a game session, have obviously never been in combat yet since I just booted game from the prior IRL day ago when last played, and will just be settlement crafting when I will get this random xp ding.
I have tried to kinda figure this out but posted because after 200+ hours, I'm pretty well versed in most good/bad things with FO4 but this one still stumps me.
Thought at first it was combat delay, that's not it. Nor friendly faction kills because with a new game session, factions haven't even loaded far as I know since I am in a cell very far away (e.g. my settlement, away from the brotherhood, etc). Then figured maybe I was getting some weird xp for a provisioner who was loaded near my area but couldn't see him because of terrain, and he had killed some random mob.
But I never get kills from friendlies giving me xp unless I assisted with at least 1 dmg against the enemy, so the prov killing stuff seems unlikely. And even then, I've had these dings when I am far, far away from any known supply line.
So basically stumped and no big deal or even tiny deal in terms of game play or impact. Just really, really curious what and why it is happening. I thought there was some obvious or behind the scenes answer.