Spoiler free list of game improvements

Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 4:08 am

Fallout 4 is an amazing game, no doubt about it. However, like with all games, some things could be better. Thankfully, Bethesda is one of the few studios that not only listen, but react to their community. So below is a list of the major issues with the game, an overall rating of importance, and how to fix them. I will do this as spoiler free as possible. I will not list any endings or choices you make in the game, and will try not to list any specific quests. Also, this is not a list of bugs, merely things that could be added to the game to enhance it. I.E., this is constructive criticism only. The game still rocks, but lets make it rock harder!

If you have suggestions, let me know and ill add them to this list as well!


1) If im a smart alek its just to keep the mood light. Again, love the game

2) Spoiler free as possible, but something MAY slip. Dont freak, just lemme know and ill edit it out.

Section 1 will list major game mechanics first, section 2 is my own personal list of things id like to see possibly changed, fixed, or added.


Section 1


-Ammo crafting - 8/10

*A big issue i have noticed is that certain features are not available in fo4 that were in past games. I understand that Obsidian was in charge of New Vegas, but its never a good idea to remove a feature in a sequel/new game. That being said, of all the features not present now (and there are not many), ammo crafting is possibly the one that hits the hardest.

-Missing recipes/Uncraftable items - 6/10

*Not including ammo (see above) there are a few items that id like to be able to craft with the best example being the Nuka Grenade. We can craft the other grenades, but not it. Honestly im not sure why it wasnt added in. Just make it a science/chemistry 4/4 combo and add it in. This one not being craft-able really confuses me.

-Keep mods when breaking down armor/weapons - 10/10

*... this one has been talked about a lot, so i dont think i need to say much more. Just... just let us keep the mods from weapons without having to craft basic ones, THEN break down trash weapons.

-Mark settlers/show jobs - 10/10

*Another one that is kinda a sore issue. True, we can look at a settler in build mode and it highlights where they work, IF that area is also in frame. Honestly, not nearly enough. Especially for big or complex area such as Sanctuary, The Castle, or (Name) Island. (Not spoiling that one) It really makes it hard to figure out who is doing what without some kinda tag. Example, Farmer tag when we assign someone to crops, or Guard when assigned to guard post.

-Breakdown everything at a settlement - 4/10

*I hate the houses in sanctuary. Let us get rid of them all, or at least rebuild them. Same with other places. The structures are often on weird places, and are hard to build around. Also, i seem to notice that these non-intractable structures count against our build size. NOT COOL. If we cant move/scrap it, dont count it.

-Shipments at settlement vendors - 5/10

*Whats the point of unique Trader vendors if they dont sell shipments? Come on guys... use your A game. (Also please fix unique traders. Again, its a topic often spoke of, so enough said, just had to mention it).

-Weapon Crafting - 7/10

*I can build/upgrade a full set of x-01 power armor with a stealth field and jetpack... but i cant craft a machete... logic!

-Armor over clothing - 10/10

*Allow armor to be worn over ANY clothing. Just makes sense.

-Power armor free jetpack/stealthfield - 10/10

*Ok first, when i say stealth field, i mean like the power armor field. It is active while crouched, but NOT moving. In fact, a non-power armor set of armor enhancements that can be used without power armor. Jetpack, reusable stealth field, stimpack injector, etc. Even tesla fists.

-Useless Perks - 8/10

*So i put a point into this perk and i can breathe underwater? Yes. Immersion breaking? Yes. Come one. Dont get me wrong its cool but we can do better. Just gimmie a rebreather instead and lets make that perk something cooler. Just checkout some player builds and look at what perks NOBODY chooses. Also, why is nerd rage the lv 10 intelligence perk? At least switch it with a different one or something, but that doesnt deserve to be 10.

-Scrap everything - 7/10

*Let us scrap power armor and mods we dont... please... (Puppy dog eyes) That reminds me...

-Auto scrap option - 9/10

*Add an option to autoscrap an entire settlement, and a box that we can toss items into that will break them down automatically. Makes wading through our junk/scrap a lot easier.

-Make Cait naked all the time 10/10....

-Companion Locator - 10/10

*Give us an option to recall our companion, or certain companions once recruited to us. Also, let us have 2 companions, or at least a humanoid and a robot/animal.

-Post game rehaul - 10/10

*No spoilers just this suggestion. Make roving bands of the remnant factions patrol area randomly. Have them attack you while your out traveling. Dont just wipe them out of the game. Give us a reason to really keep playing. Right now it all feels so... final.

-Get rid of chance wheel for dialog 10/10

*I love that you tried something different, but honestly its better to just make a dialog chance rely on a certain charisma level. Otherwise as it is now, I (and im sure 90% of players) just quick save before trying it and reload if we fail. You basically made all teh dialog chances autopass. Kinda negated the need for a dialog chance all together.

-Fusion core fix - 10/10

*Lemme elaborate. When we load power armor and especially the Gatling lazer... USE THE LOWEST CORE FIRST BY DEFAULT! Or at least give us an option! Sooo many stacks of partial cores... Same when ejecting cores as bombs, just toss out the lowest core in inventory.

-Alternate dialog endings - 9/10

*Yeah, 3/4 of the main factions hate each other. No different than any other fallout though. Give us back our max rank dialog options. Would love to have the Institute join up with the brotherhood. Could you imagine the Power Armor they could make? Give us options to make each faction befriend the other or to avoid violence if we want to. No spoilers, but imagine the combinations and endings we could get if say the railroad and institute joined forces. Or if the brotherhood recruited the minutemen? Power armor wearing patriots with fancy hats, thats what ya get! Wait..... power armor clad synth troopers... (Tingly feelings)


-Underwater Upgrades - 9/10

*Power armor sinks, we get that. Make some kind of scuba enhancements for it. True that there arent a lot of places that would need them, but it would still be a great addition. These include:

Rebreather and enhanced underwater light (helmet)

Underwater booster (leg or arm pieces that will allow us to zoom around underwater, like some kinda Mario Frog suit upgrade)

Mario Power Flower (kidding)

Sealed Suit (prevent water radiation)

- Remove level requirements for perks!!! - 9001/10 (Its over 9000!!!)

*Ok this part kinda covers more than power armor so bear with me. Cant make the jetpack or any good power armor stuff till 41. Ok, uncool. Remove the level requirement for perks! That level requirement forces character builds to follow certain paths a lot of time. If we got the perk points and the SPECIAL requirements, then let us just upgrade perks and any level. It makes for better, more creative character creation if we arent shoehorned into perks. If i want to have a jetpack at level 8, then lemme have my jetpack. The trade-off of course is that my other skills would suffer, but thats my choice. Same with other perks. If someone wants to drop all their perks into stealth early on, let them do it. Honestly of every problem i have with this game, this is the biggest. As it is now, i either have to wait till 41 to get my jetpack and the other UNDERWHELMING science 4 mods, or i have to beat the game with a specific faction to get it. Bad form.

-Better Power armor mods/paintjobs - 10/10




*I can get 3/4 of the faction paintjobs, but cant get the 4th unless i beat the game with that 4th faction. You know the one im talking about. Give it to us on like their second mission! We get the others! Dont force me!!! Seriously its just a paintjob, not like my character doesnt know how to use that color unless he joins them.

On the subject of paintjobs... This is probably the only time Ill get made typing this list. Whoever decided that faction paintjobs should be ARMOR SPECIFIC, needs to be sent to a workcamp until the second DLC comes out. I mean seriously, that was a terrible idea. Let us paint ANY PA with ANY faction colors. I wanna use the Minuteman paint on last mission but i gotta do it in t45 armor... o.O.... i call shenanigans!!!

Finally, allow for more paint colors for our armor. Give us a custom job that lets us use sliders or something, i dont even care if we dont get an effect from it. Some of the color schemes get boring REAL quick.

-Remove Vats from jetpack - 9/10

*Ok... again, forcing builds. Want the most out of a jetpack, gotta drop all points into agility and vats perks. It makes no sense to use the, say it with me now, Vault-tech assisted TARGETING system points to run a jetpack. I get the running, but come on... a jetpack. Just seriously up the fusion core power needed to run the thing and cut us loose guys. Just drop a height limit (which i believe it already has) onto the pack and let us roam free.

-Customize frames - 4/10
*Let us customize our frames. Allow different colors, or allow us to upgrade them to hold MORE upgrades in our PA. Want tesla fists AND rusts knuckles? Upgrade your frame, and BOOM, ya got it. Even letting us have 2 different upgrades in a single slot would be amazing.
-Power armor vendors - 6/10
*Roxy never has anything good, neither does Teagan. Lets uh... just give them a better selection, or add in randomly generated pieces to other vendors. Maybe even a traveling PA vendor. And sell more AND better mods. Make them level required to spawn for sale fine, just add em.
-Legendary Power Armor - 7/10
*Toss in some random legendary enemies in Power Armor that have randomly generated legendary PA pieces. Why you ask? Cause were locked out of a certain piece(s) unless we join a certain faction. Plus, legendary PA pieces = legendary game. Legendary game= $$$. Sounds good right? Yeah it does.
Section 2
-Energy weapons run off of power armor power
* Allow a weapon/power armor mod that will attach our energy weapons to our power armor, and use its power to run.
Epic level = Tank-a-licious
-Shoulder/armor mounted weapons
*If i can make and upgrade power armor, best believe that ima have a minigun on my shoulder, and missile launchers on my wrists. How would we control these additional weapons you ask? They wouldnt fire like normal. We would enter vats, and from there we could fire each weapon at an enemy, or tell our mini gun to say, shoot grenades out of the air, or to shoot at a certain enemy. Wrist mounter weapons could be changed to/fires like normal weapons. Heck, gimmie the assaultron laser on my face!!! I dont care! Ill kill everybody!!!
Epic level = Megaton in a box!
-Customizable assaultron
*Yes im 87% sure i spelled that wrong but dude! An assaultron follower, that you can customize the weapons and armor on, like Power Armor. They could have their own workstation wher we could change the weapons, power source, etc.
Epic level = Dogmeats Baby Daddy!!!
-True personal Vertibird
*Our own personal Vertibird that we can again, customize the armor and weapons on. AND, have it drop off our power armor for us wherever we are. (Like we thought/hoped it would.........) Also, and this is important... LET US FLY IT!!! Our companion can use the gun or something. Even make it a mobile home!
Epic level = 7 year old with 9 happy meals!!!
-New buildings
*Why is everything i build garbage?!? Like literally it all has holes n stuff. Why cant it look new? My turrets are shiny and new looking but my wall has like 40 holes in it? Come on guys, weak sauce. Allow fabrication of NEW buildings and stuff. Make it cost more materials to build but come one, just cause we live in a wasteland doesnt mean we cant have nice things.
Epic level = Playboy Mansion is hiring oil boys!!! (or girls, they dont discriminate)
-Add x-cell to crafting
*Self explanatory
Epic level - Buffalo wings triple fried in cheese!!!
-Customizable stealth suit
*Come on, your gonna give it to us anyway. Its always in the DLC... at least it better be! Give us the stealth suit, and let us customize i like power armor. Have it run off fusion cells instead of cores. It would be a great alternative to letting players use jetpack without power armor.
Epic level = TO THE WINDOW!... TO THE WALL!!!
........WRIST MOUNTED ROCKET LAUNCHER!!!!........ sorry about that. Lets continue.
-Customizable personal faction
*(Customization is the fix to everyones dreams and problems bethesda. Just sayin lol) Imagine it. You start your own faction, naming it and everything. You choose who you have, who you like, what you stand for. You recruit people into it. NPS,s, companions, people from other factions. You build a huge faction base. THEN YOU UNLEASH THE DOGS OF WAR ON THE WASTELAND!
Epic level - Megaton part II, the Blow-up-aning! In theaters January 24! Dont miss the action!
-Fight arena
*You guys know... you released a fight arena... without fights... Hurts to think about. Lets uh... lets add some fights.
Epic level - Dogmeat is really half deathclaw?!?
So, thats my list of stuff that would make the game sooooo much better. Again, the first section was kinda the overall consensus of a lot of players, not just myself. The second was my own personal list of things that i think would be great too. Let em know what you think. If anyone has anything to add that i missed, let me know!
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Racheal Robertson
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