Does anyone know if you can get a shipment of Screws?
My kingdom for Screws.
I would have never have guessed that the only resource that I am lacking in the post apocalyptic world are screws.
Does anyone know if you can get a shipment of Screws?
My kingdom for Screws.
I would have never have guessed that the only resource that I am lacking in the post apocalyptic world are screws.
Yes, you get them at differet vendors. As I keep saying, build up a massive water production at Sanctuary and you are set to buy off every shipment they have to offer by selling the excess.
Yes, there are shipments of screws that you can buy. I believe Trashcan Carla sells them. Price varies depending on your Charisma and perks. I also saw them for sale in Diamond City, can't remember who though.
My problem has been a shortage of wood since I use a lot for building settlements. I buy shipments of them whenever I can to build up a nice stockpile... I think I am up to 2,500 units of wood now. I haven't really done much with crafting weapons other than for myself so screws have not been an issue for me yet. Besides, I scrap every pitiful pipe pistol I come across which gives 3 or 4 steel and 1 screw. So far I have not done many of the missions in the game. I have been leveling up mostly be doing scavenging runs.
Yeah.. there's a few vendors that have screws. Can't remember exactly which ones... They'll be at the major hubs. Diamond City, Goodneighbor, etc. Adhesive and screws.. it's all about adhesive and screws. Good items to keep a lookout for during your travels are handcuffs and desk fans. Handcuffs are nice because they only weigh 0.5 but they only yield 1 screw. They are actually quite prolific, just hard to spot because they don't stand out. Desk fans are everywhere and yield 2 screws.. but they also weigh 3. Hot plates are good to collect as well because they yield both a screw and circuitry .. circuitry is something you'll end up needing for defenses.
Also, collect and keep pre-war money. I've barely spent any caps. Pre-war money can be worth up to 8 caps. (for me it's only worth 3 at most vendors but that's still a ton of savings.) You have to be careful with it though because it counts as cloth. So when building in your settlement make sure to put it in a separate cabinet. It'll get used for beds and stuff if you put it in your workbench or have it in your inventory. Pre-war money is everywhere.. I have over 2000 in my inventory right now.
Adhesive is not too big of a problem since you can make your own adhesive at any cooking station. It takes 3 corn, 3 mutfruit, 3 tato and 1 purified water. The veggies can be grown at any settlement. Purified water can be found while scavenging, but at worst you can buy them until you build a water purifier in a settlement that has access to a body of water like a river or a crater filled with water. 3 dirty waters can be converted to 1 purified water, but some food recipes requires dirty water if you are into cooking your own food.
Hot plates also gives copper, but you will need the scrapper perk to get it.
I posted the link instead of the list to avoid spoilers. I had nothing to do with this list, but it's helped me so far.
Flag it for search and you'll be fine. Just about everything needs a steady supply incoming for you to not worry about shortages except rubber, plastic, and wood. Cloth usage goes through the roof if you start to run low on steel - which is funny because roof pieces are where I primary need cloth when I'm low on steel.