The reason it is crashing is because you have far too many polygons/items in one spot. Maybe you were scrapping guns too that allows you to build larger settlement. My advice is to to fast travel to a closer point of interest. Walk to starlight then face away when you are really close. Walk backwards until you reach the enclosed area where you can build. Activate it, then start scrapping away the materials (or save to workshop) that you built. Make sure you autosave frequently.
I had a quicksave just outside the settlement that used to load. But for some reason, it will not load either now, so I cannot load my game except for my most recent save which is 10 gameplay hours earlier (a terrible practice I know...). I guess from now on I'll be taking up the rest of my console's memory with 20MB save files... Also, I have definitely been scrapping guns (that lets me make my settlement bigger? I was wondering what was doing that...) but that was the only way to keep adding all the stuff I wanted in my settlement and it was really helping me with some materials shortages (screws). I just assumed I could build my base until the meter got to the top and didn't think about hardware limitations.