carrying weight glitch on ps4!

Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 4:17 pm

2 days ago my fallout game on ps4 got messed up...

i travelled to my sanctuary to drop all the junk i had on me and my companion

and when i stored it in the warehouse my weight got glitched

first i took all of my companions junk wich made me weigh for about 800 and uppon storing it all (expecting my weight to drop back to 125 with my weapons and armor fco) it stayed aroud 355... while my inventory is empty junk, aid, mods, weapons and armor (not the misc) IT STAYS 355!!!

it stays like this every time i reload no matter what i do, i'm going nuts...!!!

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 6:43 pm

Some misc items have weight, and are junk. These include, but aren't limited to burnt books and a part of the sting wing. I had a similiar situation and it turned out that I had 106 burnt books.
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