I had just completed the mission where you blow up the Brotherhood HQ and it falls to the ground. Tinker Tom drops me off out of the helicopter next to the wreckage and leaves. Then a FAILED The Nuclear Option pops up on my screen. I didn't even start that quest. So I go to the Railroad HQ to talk to Desdemona and she keeps saying the same thing over. I don't know what's going on, think it's just a bug, so I leave HQ and play game. Come back to HQ and Des is saying the same thing. I decide to do some quests for the Railroad to see if a side quest is tripping it up. As I'm walking around the HQ I see a dead body. It's Tinker Tom. WTH. His body is lying on a railroad Danger marker and there are cones surrounding his body. I did not kill him, if I did, the Railroad would hate me. Now I can't complete the main missions. Is it possible to get a npc back on the ps4? If not, can Bethesda please make an exception!!! I need him back. I DO NOT want to start the game over. I'm already level 40.