I know what you're thinking, cmon theres no such thing!
Not sure if this is an issue with anyone else but it seems to be a case of my OCD kicking in overtime. Basically, lets just say I loot everything everywhere I go. And I do mean EVERYTHING. It probably stems from my OCD of 100%ing games, because I feel like everywhere I go I MUST find all magazines, bobbleheads, mini nukes, heck even fusion cores I consider collectibles. That combined with the fact that you can essentially totally miss certain items and not be able to get them again (like the USS constitution, you who have done the quest know what happens at the end.)
This sort of thing just creates a terrible concoction of my OCD. Im not the type to say "oh well guess I gotta play through the game again." Ive literally completely dropped games ive wanted to 100% before if I missed something (especially if its just one or two things) having to do with the 100% and I cant go back and get it. Like really, now I gotta put in another few dozen hours just to get back to that point again?
So you can see that through all my insane obsessive searching, I essentially pick up every piece of junk that Bethesda has decided to lay out. As of right now almost no resource at home is less than 1000 lol.. and im talking about Adhesive/Aluminum/Nuclear Material too. Steel/wood/cloth is somewhere in the quintuple digits.
Watch me play this game, it will literally take me at least an hour to get through a decently sized building.. and dont even get me started on places like Trinity Tower.
Now I know what most of you will say: "Well just go through the game at your own pace, play the game the way you want to play it and thats all that matters."
Only problem is im trying to start uploading my playthroughs to youtube or stream them. Anyone who watches me complains that its incredibly boring to watch me search every single nook and cranny. Thats pretty much the top complaint I get from friends too haha.
Well thats it, just a random rant.. wanted to see if anyone else out there suffers from this severe form of OCD when it comes to 100%. Anyone else out there have people watch them who complain they take way too long to make it through an area?