I can’t stand it any longer. In my second play through I have tried to romance Piper again and it isn’t working. I have played all day long. I am talking over eight hours. I have done everything possible. I have done and continue to do unending repeatable Minutemen quests. And every settlement that I initially went to was built up to the max.
For example, I have been to Blake Abernathy’s farm four god-damn times today, doing different quests. I have done so many Minuteman quest that Piper no longer reacts. No more “likes” or “dislikes” appear on my screen. Hasven't even gotten to the second flirt. Half of the time I cannot even talk to her because the damn command option pops up instead. “Oh, it must be a bug?!?”
This game is fast becoming a total let down. Look, I know that I can do other things, like roam around theCommonwealth or waste time building settlements. Or, I can sit around Sanctuary Hills
I just feel like I wasted the entire day and that totally pisses me off.