What I'd like to see in Fallout 4's future contentDLC's

Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 1:25 am

I remember reading that Besthesda wanted to give us enough time to play the game and then hear our thoughts on the world as it is, and to hear our suggestions on what we'd like to see in future content/DLC's. To be exact I've currently played 13 Days 8 hours & 24 minutes, so I thought that might be enough time before I come and offer some suggestions/feedback.

I know it's a lot to read and most won't but to those who do thankyou for taking the time to well, read it. lol :)

1.) Add Christmas Decoration that appear in Diamond City on December 25th to the Settlement building so that we can be festive on fallout this holiday

2.) This one is another take on the current stores we can build. Instead of building a stall and assigning a person to it, I'd like to see cash registers ( each one with it's own store type like the radios with stations ) and we could then place these registers in buildings we build, then assign someone to them so that we can build our own stores.

3.) This one sort of ties into the second point, I'd like the store shelves we can build to have the ability to store items in them and they'll appear on the shelves ( like the magazine racks ).

4.) One thing I miss is The Caravan Game, and the Black Jack game that were in New Vegas. This is something I'd like to see a return of, maybe even if it's just put into settlement building and not an actual casino.

5.) I have to say I do love the brewing machine "Buddy" but I miss being able to just put my drinks into my Nuka Cola vending machine, if it's possible to add a storage option to the current machines that we are able to build then that'd be amazing.

6.) We can build a brahmin feed but I so far haven't seen any use for them, maybe we could build a pack and have the brahmin follow us instead of a companion? It wouldn't be able to fight in combat but would hold a lot more than a companion that can. Also being able to assign a settler to that Brahmin and send them on a trade run between traders you have previously conducted business with would be great.

7.) I don't know about others here but I would love to see a return of some of the weapons from Fallout 3 and New Vegas, like the Chinese Assault Rifle, The M1 Garrand and the 10mm Sub-Machine gun etc. ( I know the 10mm Pistol can be made full Auto but it just doesn't feel the same.

8.) Be able to Equip Armour over Outfits and not just super thin clothing, or allow us to modify all Outfits and even find legendary ones. I used to love roaming around in a cool outfit I'd find but it's not something I've found myself really able to do as they don't offer much in the form of protection.

9.) So, we can build a Brahmin Feed which will attract Brahmin to our Settlement. Any Chance in the future we could build a cat bowl to attract a pet cat to the settlement? ( Maybe not just cats and it could improve happiness )

10.) Rather than have one of Magnolias songs play on Diamond City Raido, would it be possible to add in a quest to set up a Third Rail Radio? I love her music, and it'd be great to have the option to only listen to her without having to go sit in Goodneighbor .

11.) I'd like to see more songs added to the game, though you could make it something a lot more fun that just throwing them in there. You could set up a quest for Travis to go out and find them. Maybe spread them out and hide them around the world and not tell us where they are so it takes the whole community working together to find them all.

12.) (Potential Spoiler) I noticed that at the end of the game, if you make certain choices the Classical Radio disappears. Is it possible to add a quest to set that back up? No hate but there aren't too many songs in the game and it's a bit saddening to lose some of them because of the way you wanted to play the game.

13.) Another thing is please add more assets that are already in the game into settlement building. I see Bunk Beds, Covenants Walls, Elevators, Mag Lock doors, Computer Terminals both standard and unique looking ones, Refrigerators etc. there are so, so many things I have come across in my time playing that I've just wanted to be able to build. So please, please add them.

14.) I'd like to see a return of the Ammo Crafting bench :)

15.) A proper Survival Mode. When I first started the game I thought that Survival mode was going to be about surviving not simply a harder difficulty. So please could you make Survival Mode a mode where we actually have to survive? So that we need to Eat, Drink, Sleep etc

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kat no x
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