This will obviously be spoiler heavy.
1. If I want to do the Minutemen ending to the game, I basically just have to avoid allying with any other faction right? As long as I'm not advancing any of the main quests with anyone other than the Minutemen, I can get their ending, correct?
2. If I side with the Brotherhood, what kind of post-game quests do I get? Are they pretty much the same as before or are they switched up (for instance I know the Railroad gets a bunch of post-game quests involving mopping up the Institute forces, etc.)
3. If I join the Brotherhood, do I have to kill any of my companions? I know about Danse, but I know you can talk Maxen down from that. I'm curious to know if I'll get attacked for being friends with Hancock or Strong or Curie.
I appreciate the feedback. I'm restarting the game and really putting myself in my characters shoes. I'm not so sure I'd do everything the same as I did the first time around, and now that I know that your allegiance in your faction(s) of choice are really influenced by how you interpret your character, I'm thinking I might make some major changes, depending on a few factors. I like the concept of the Brotherhood after reading about their lore but I'm not crazy about their M.O. in this game. If I can be a rebel in the faction though, I think I'd really take to that cause.