anyone know a good place to look for any?
I'm kinda drawing a blank as to where good places to keep checking would be.
anyone know a good place to look for any?
I'm kinda drawing a blank as to where good places to keep checking would be.
Check all of the raider infested place. It also depends on your level. I got my first piece from defeating a random Mirelurk queen, think it was Heavy raider left leg or something ( and im level 29 now ). But yeah, they should be a common drop when you reach level 40 or so.
Can't wait to fully upgrade the set tho, it looks amazingly thick and bulky.
Yeah its very much level dependent. Luck also seems to factor into it to a degree. They did a fairly bad design with the whole armor drop thing. You think they would have added in some negative armor prefixes, so we could at least get some decent looking armor at lower levels. (Like dented heavy combat armor, with the same stats as lower tier stuff)
Honestly this is the only armour set from the " generic level dependant ones " that I like. Combat is okay, but metal one is [censored] awful.
well I'm level 160+ so no problem there. it just seems most of the time there only wearing leather :C
Even at level 65 I find that heavy armour of any type is still an uncommon drop. I does seem to drop more frequently the further South you go.