.. Please don't start twisting my words. We were having a nice discussion and you don't have to resort to cheap tricks. I specifically wrote the, not a.
.. Please don't start twisting my words. We were having a nice discussion and you don't have to resort to cheap tricks. I specifically wrote the, not a.
So, at the moment of conception, are you your twin brother?
Not yet. If technology keeps advancing all those things and more may become very possible then what?
There is a series of Si-Fi books about how mankind has progressed way in the future. They are for all tense and purposes immortal. They can move themselves from their current form to anything, Change six? yep, Become a dog? Yep. Put yourself into suspended animation for any length of time? Yep. Put you yourself into a machine form? Yep. If that were to come to pass are you telling me they are no longer alive?
You've moving the goal posts. This can't happen. You're just guessing that it will. Until there is proof, be it irl or in game, that can't be used as evidence that we are the same as Synths.
I know it can not be done now, but many have speculated that it could be possible in the future. Keeping in mind that Fallout 4 is what 250+ years into the future I just ask you to put yourself in that reality and tell me if you think we would still be considered alive or would we 'die' in the process leaving just our memories?
In the future you can turn inside out and have people play hackey sack with your heart while being a-okay.
cause, you know,
the future.
Of conception? Yes, I literally am, in the case of monozygotic twins. We have not split into two seperate organisms yet.
If you listen to Docotor Li's holotape you'll see that she was not happy at all about creating a child synth. She didn't want any part of it.