I have played thru all the endings with my 3 other PC's except with the Minutemen. So here I am at this quest and having a damn difficult time with this battle at lvl 30 on very hard. Somewhere along the way I must of hit one of my settlers in the mayhem. Once I finished defending the Castle against the Institute about 10 of my 20 settlers turn red and start attacking me. I had 2 options, start the quest over (I did this once) or show those ungrateful bastards who is boss. When it was all over countless Synths and all but 6 Settlers lay dead by the General and his Minutemen.
My question is, I assume the Castle will repopulate with Settlers? I now need some farmers and mechants to man my once 20 strong settlement at the Castle. If it will not repopulate I can always order other Settlers to move there.