So I was enjoying being a good gal and did the Railroad ending, yay me, but I had completely forgotten about Virgil.
A shame for me as although somewhat morally ambiguous I'm mostly a good character.
I let you down Virgil, I'm sorry
So I was enjoying being a good gal and did the Railroad ending, yay me, but I had completely forgotten about Virgil.
A shame for me as although somewhat morally ambiguous I'm mostly a good character.
I let you down Virgil, I'm sorry
BoS ending, if you give him the syrum he still gets mad and tells you to leave once he finds out the institute is kaput.
Guessing its connected to that they are his friends, even if he ran.
Annoyingly for me I found the Super Mutant experiment chambers in the institute early on, it just never clicked for me that the escaped subject might have been Virgil.
Perhaps (I have yet to find out to be sure) he's a good guy on the wrong side?
I gave Virgil the antidote before Captain Kells ordered me to off him. When I get there he's human again so I convinced Kells to let him be. Never been back. He turns hostile if the Institute was destroyed?
Not if you gave him the cure. he just points his gun at you and tells you that you aren't welcome.
Sounds like he a right see you next tuesday anyway.
I'm not sorry Virgil
I wanted to recruit him as a scribe for the brotherhood, but when he pointed his pistol at me I decided that a life sentence in his cave was an adequate punishment.
Granted, a life sentence won't be very long for him now that he's human again.
I'm pretty sure you can lie can convince him that the serum has disappeared and talk him into killing himself. He wouldn't attack him, and if you destroyed the Institute, that would still consider the good action because he would rather live as a human rather than staying as a supermutant.
Another questline that really needed a resolution post-game.
1. The offer to join the Brotherhood.
2. The offer to return to the Institute.
3. Executing him for his FEV experiments
4. Sparing him to work on a cure.
3. Offer him to join the settlement, working for you and the MM instead of any other factions.
I'm going to try that, visiting him post Institute but pre demolition but without the serum and see what he says.
It definitely should work, I have the serum with me, and I was able to lie to him and get him to kill himself just to see what happens, but you're gonna have some serious speech check so get some charisma gear. Bring people who dislike non-humans like MacCready or Danse and they will give a big approval boost.
It works, I did it because I forgot to pick up the serum, even though I've been to the lab for the evidence for dr Li.
Though I probably would have talked him into killing himself even if I had the serum, since it's my duty as a Brother of Steel to exterminate mutant abominations like him.
It's an abomination to become a human?
I may roleplay a dike character if I want the irony of him dying as a mutant thinking there's no way out, He experimented on many humans and supermutants, so it's basically poetic justice.
My canon character couldn't do it simply because it's just too cruel and I find value in his research in reversing the FEV for future usage.
I'm still debating whether my Lawful Good Sole Survivor is going to execute him for his crimes or it's better to let him extirpate them as best he can.
Or, whether siding with the Institute as "the lesser evil" makes any sort of judgement like that hypocritical.
Depending on why you side with the Institute, if you're just a bad guy, even when you side with the Institute, you would just want to see a man lost all hope and in despair and driving him to suicide just because it seems like a sight to enjoy. It could be because you are a director, and if you leave him alive, it would weaken the Institute's authority like with Danse and the BoS, that's why he needs to die. If you let him live, it could be because the Institute is in pursue of science, and you let him leave for now and cure him because you find his research too valuable to be destroyed. In that case, I want to have a DLC that you overrule everyone and let him back into the Institute.
I didn't say I would give him the serum even if I had it... It was kinda sad though, I don't remember his exact words but I think he asked me to make it quick or something to that effect, and turned away from me, like he didn't want to see death coming...
Yea, I was gonna help him, forgot, then came back to say hi and was like oooohhh.. yeah..