How to stop the Settlements calling for help

Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 2:20 pm

Thanks to some insightful members of this forum, I have learned how to prevent kidnappings.

Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for Minuteman Alerts.

I can't even play for 5 minutes without one Settlement or another shouting for me to come running.

I'm getting frustrated with having to drop whatever I am doing to go and clear some random instance I've seen 10 times over.

I would just ignore them, but I think there's an Approval rating involved, if you don't do the mission, the Settlement's loyalty to the Minutemen diminishes, they allude to that in dialogue.

Does anyone have any idea how to prevent the Settlements issuing Minutemen Alerts?

Realistically, I expect there is no way to stop this from happening,

They are scripted events, designed to remind you that an instance is no longer clear.

I am finding it ludicrous what the Settlers keep saying though:

"We don't have the capability to fight them off ourselves."

Hello, I gave you enough automated defenses to one shot any enemy group and you still don't feel secure!!!!!

One of my first installed mods will be to disable these missions.......

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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 7:46 pm

How do you stop kidnappings?

For any of the missions. 1. Dont listen to the minuteman radio. Pretty sure artillery drops anyway without listening to it. 2. Turn in your quest to preston and run away before he gives you another. you do have to wait until you get the exp from the old one tho but can avoid new ones. 3. or dont turn in old quests after killing the enemies. It will either sit there with no time limit or others have said it will automatically complete in the positive. I dont know anything about settlement loyalty. I have been in places where I expect to be close enough for support but it says no MM able to respond. I can't say why that happens though. I assume glitch, then some artillery wont fire but throw another and it does. Sometimes it's 1 or 2 shells sometimes many more and they could take a while so you're left unsure if its safe to go down there.

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Vicki Gunn
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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 8:39 am

Settlement attack notifications will pop up with or without having the radio on. I keep mine off exclusively (no Big Iron? No radio), but still have to bail their butts regularly.

Best thing you can do... is leave them to die. That, or boost the defenses through the roof and hope that the Lords of Probability favour you.

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lucy chadwick
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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 6:26 pm

Raise your defense level to close or above the combined total for food and water production.

I guess enemy groups decide a highly protected Settlement isn't worth a kidnapping attempt.

So far, none of these missions have been assigned by Preston, they all come from the radio.

I haven't tried turning it off yet, I'm uncertain if that stops the messages.

I tried blocking the completions, but it never works.

Eventually the game autocompletes them.

Or if you ignore them, it reminds you to go do them and later on, that you failed them.

Also, when I need to speak to Preston about other matters not relating to the missions, it completes them before I even do what I was speaking to him about!

Example, I was borrowing one of his weapons to upgrade via crafting and returning it to him, somehow the game thought I intended to complete the mission!

They really should have provided us with a way to stop these missions, like the kidnappings.

If there isn't a way, I suspect it's scripted and cannot be stopped without modding it to cease.

I'm not a fan of forced content, I've experienced it too much in other games and it's one of my big red buttons (the ones you do not push!)

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Rob Smith
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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 11:53 am

I actually like this from a RP perspective.

Since I plan to not join the minutemen next time, I will not build defenses at the settlements and instead will come in on a Vertibird in my BoS armor lay waste to the dangers facing the settlements, then buy their crops for the brotherhood needs making placing the settlements under brotherhood protection.
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Daramis McGee
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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 4:51 am

I turned off the Radio, but it doesn't stop the missions!

Because Preston Garvey gives them to you in person whenever you speak to him!

I'm going to start ignoring them from now on, Settlement Affinity isn't worth this hassle.

And likewise, I'm going to avoid Preston Garvey too,

Any mission that gets obtained is just going to have to autoterminate on it's own, I'm not going to do them anymore.

And if anyone can figure out a way to stop them ingame like the kidnappings, that information would be greatly appreciated.

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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 10:44 am

Actually I got more from Preston than the radio. And He won't give You next quest before You finish the previous one, so I keep them at "Report back to Preston" stage.
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