Thanks to some insightful members of this forum, I have learned how to prevent kidnappings.
Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for Minuteman Alerts.
I can't even play for 5 minutes without one Settlement or another shouting for me to come running.
I'm getting frustrated with having to drop whatever I am doing to go and clear some random instance I've seen 10 times over.
I would just ignore them, but I think there's an Approval rating involved, if you don't do the mission, the Settlement's loyalty to the Minutemen diminishes, they allude to that in dialogue.
Does anyone have any idea how to prevent the Settlements issuing Minutemen Alerts?
Realistically, I expect there is no way to stop this from happening,
They are scripted events, designed to remind you that an instance is no longer clear.
I am finding it ludicrous what the Settlers keep saying though:
"We don't have the capability to fight them off ourselves."
Hello, I gave you enough automated defenses to one shot any enemy group and you still don't feel secure!!!!!
One of my first installed mods will be to disable these missions.......