Hi Folks,
FYI: the game was horrible unstable in the beginning. made the tweaks recommended in the "data vaul of tweaks and tricks" here in the forum, which helped little. after clocking my GPU down about 50mHz (after a tipp from here) the game became stable as rock and was playable with highest settings!
at around 140 hours of play i made the teleport into the institute.
returned to the surface and ...
... since THEN the game is as touchy as in the beginning, crashing to desktop without recognizable pattern!
there where no changes to drivers, ini-files etc since i made those recommended for the game. i let steam checking file integrity which replaced one ini file, BUT this was also some 10 days ago as i checked integrity of the game files with steam and the game showed no faulty behaviour after.
about a hour ago there was a ~250mb download for the game but the game is still unstable like at the first day!!!
i have no clue! any ideas?