Hi, i have a problem i try every configuration possible but after some time (variable time) my graphic cards begin to do a strange electrical noise. I did not try to keep playing after that, i never heard that sound and i am afraid it could create damage to my graphic cards.
I am a programmer, i use Unreal engine 4 for hours, i play a lot of game maxed out and never heard that sound. It seem to happens only with Fallout 4. Could you help me to understand what is it?
Basically i start palying and everythings goes fine, after an undefinited time it start with single electrical noise and become more frequent if i look around into the game. It slow down a bit if i stay still for a while..
I did not use the card too much with that noise so i don't know what happens later.. Without last patches i could only play for 10 minutes and i get a crash on nvidia kernell.
Msi said that it's not theyr fault and that they cannot do anything about it.
My specs:
Windows 10, 16 gb Ram, Msi Nvidia 980 gtx gaming, latest Nvidia driver, latest graphic card bios and latest Fallout 4 patches..
PLEASE PLEASEE!!! I waited this game so much, i wanna play with it!
It's also my birthday today!