Just a bug I found: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fqcAzR2Yr8
Just a bug I found: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fqcAzR2Yr8
Hi there,
I just wanted to see if you had more information.
Does this happen every time you Jetpack in to Goodneighbor?
What happens if you save and reload that save?
Yes, everytime I get inside Goodneighbor using the jetpack and in first person. To "fix it" I just need to jump, like in the video.
If I save and reload the jetpack persists in the active state. Here is the save file: https://mega.nz/#!JkRmTQCb!ZXyhZO7vRGNUtUx0dB16yFt7DHUaA9M-9T5C4i6TM8c
It's probably a logic problem, since the jetpack effect is disabled only when the AP is empty or we hit the ground, none of this happens while getting inside the Goodneightbor cell. But I don't know why it happens only in first person.
I'm using some mods, but I don't think they are the cause since they are mostly just textures replacement.
Also, I'm not running any of the beta patches.
The mods currently active in the given save:
Thank you for all the information! I'll pass it along to the rest of the team.