Unable to play on lower resolutions properly

Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 12:20 pm

Hey everyone, two weeks ago I opened a thread regarding an issue with playing Fallout 4 on fullscreen ( the flickering stuff ). I have managed to fix that issue ( and I have no idea how ) by using a configuration tool downloaded from Nexus Mods. However, apparently the only resolution the game can be displayed in without going off the edges of the screen is my native one, 1920x1080. Now, I can run the game on high settings, even on my GTX 760m video card. As expected however, I get some massive drops in certain areas ( 20 fps or so ), and I wouldn't call that a pleasant experience, especially when you are trying to aim for an annoying blood bug.
So, do you guys happen to know a fix for this resolution issue? I just wanna play, for example, on 1680x1050 with the game fitting on the whole screen, not with the HUD going off it. A lower resolution would definitely improve my framerate, especially since the game is pretty ok-ish to play on full HD as it is.
In addition, my pipboy display does not fit on the the whole pipboy screen, meaning that it is a bit squeezed towards the middle.
Any suggestions?
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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 8:17 pm

Probably something to do with your display setting on the laptop itself, not Fallout 4.

Have a play with your drivers settings as there may be under/over scan.
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