BUG: Curie Mirrors Player Input Commands

Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 1:01 am

After completing the quest "Emergent Behavior", Curie acted as any normal follower would. But at some point shortly afterward (a few hours) she started mirroring my own inputs for my character, but only when I press the "W" key (to move forward). She does this regardless of if she's my active companion or not and it happens 100% of the time, making her completely unusable as a follower or anything. I had to send her to a settlement that I never go to because she will just run into a wall or out into the wilderness while I go about my buisness within that loaded cell.

I have no idea how or why this happened, I have never actually taken her as a companion beyond completing the above quest, then dismissing her at Red Rocket. I have not installed any mods into my game througout the entirety of my current saved playthrough. It's been completely "vanilla" from start to finish.

Any help or advice would be apprecaited, I've searched around to see if I can fix this with console commands or something but haven't been able to find anyone else with this issue.

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Monique Cameron
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Joined: Fri Jun 23, 2006 6:30 am

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