These issues seem to have started after I wore a set of X-01 power armor for an extended play session; i.e. a few hours.
Outside of power armor, I cannot see my arm or pip-boy after pressing Tab. I can only see the bottom menu row of the pip-boy. I can still trade inventory with NPCs and containers.
I also cannot sprint when I am not wearing power armor. As soon as I enter power armor I can sprint and view the power armor version of the pip-boy normally. It seems like the game thinks I am in a suit of power armor even when I am not. When I transfer some inventory to a container, my max carry weight looks like what it would be if I had power armor on.
An older save, about 20 hours behind where I am now, doesn't have these issues. Something glitched along the way and it won't revert back. Is anyone else currently plagued with this issue? Anyone have some ideas on how to fix it?
p.s. I have been searching on this all morning and have tried the most common fixes from youtube and fallout wikia, i.e. using player.inv to find any "extra" power armor frames, equipping then removing them, enter/exit power armor, unequip/equip pip-boy, enter workshop mode and exit, enter vats and exit, etc.