Sole Survivor endings
Rough Draft
This is just off the top of my head. As an author, you learn to amend your manuscripts hundreds of times before release.
Reunites with Shaun (Institute only)
The Sole Survivor’s reunion with Shaun was bittersweet. Not long after reuniting with their wayward offspring, did they part ways again and this time forever. While Shaun had left the Sole Survivor a kingdom, it was precious comfort for the loss of so many years and so many lives lost. Shaun died in his bed with full confidence, though, that he had made the right decision in passing the Institute’s future to their parent.
Leaves Shaun to die (Railroad/BOS/Minuteman ending)
The Sole Survivor’s reunion with Shaun was bittersweet. The man he had grown up to was not the man they had hoped he would become. Choosing to believe some things were more important than the ties of blood, they brought death and destruction to the faux-utopia Shaun had devoted their life to. While, on some level, Shaun understood his parent’s actions, he died cursing the choice to awaken them.
Kills Shaun
The Sole Survivor’s reunion with Shaun did not go the way the Institute Director expected. Not interested in the justifications or vague promises of the Institute, they made a choice no parent should have to that their child no longer belonged in this world. Shaun was genuinely surprised by this act and his last thoughts were ones of confusion rather than betrayal. Which, if he had looked with a less clinical and more emotional eye at his parent’s actions, he might have seen coming.
Faction Ending for the Sole Survivor
Institute Ending (Good Karma)
The Sole Survivor took command of the Institute and swiftly set about making changes to the way things were done. Synths received more rights, contact with surfacers increased, experiments were conducted under ethical guidelines, and the kidnappings ceased. While not all of the Institute’s personnel agreed with the decrees of their new Director, they were helpless against the growing popularity and foresight of their leader. While it was many years before the Institute was trusted by Commonwealth Wastelanders, the first steps were taken to making a new era.
Institute Ending (Bad Karma)
The Sole Survivor took command of the Institute and swiftly set about consolidating their rule. Synths and humans both learned their place as members in the service of the Director’s will, the Institute’s synthetic armies rapidly became a common sight across the Wasteland, and any individual who disagreed with their directives soon disappeared before reappearing with a changed attitude. The Directorate found their new Director more authoritarian than Father but respected the immense power and influence they brought them. In the coming years, the Institute became even more of a boogeyman to the Commonwealth with no one to oppose them.
Brotherhood of Steel ending (Good Karma)
The Sole Survivor leading the Brotherhood of Steel to victory over the Institute secured their place as both Sentinel and right hand of Elder Maxson. Appointed as the Governor of the Commonwealth, they swiftly set about drafting laws and bringing order to the wasteland. While the Commonwealth's citizens initially distrusted the Brotherhood, the steady but fair hand of their new leader soon brought about most. If there were any complaints that non-feral ghouls, less violent Synths, and the occasional passive Super Mutant weren't terminated on the spot then they were small ones.
Brotherhood of Steel ending (Bad Karma)
The Sole Survivor leading the Brotherhood of Steel to victory over the Institute secured their place as both Sentinel and right hand of Elder Maxson. Appointed as the Governor of the Commonwealth, they swiftly set about crushing all resistance to the Brotherhood's rule. Ghouls, synths, and other undesirables were purged with a ruthless fury. The Commonwealth became safe and secure but only to better serve their new masters. Soon, all came to know the power of the Brotherhood and it was said Elder Maxson feared their new Sentinel would soon challenge them for rulership.
Railroad Ending (Good Karma)
The Railroad's triumph over both the Institute and Brotherhood of Steel took most wastelanders by surprise. The Railroad had long been considered little more than a small group of idealists and unimportant to the larger Commonwealth. Emboldened by hundreds of new members thanks to the liberated Synths and inspired by the Sole Survivor's moral example, they soon switched their focus to integrating them into society. The Sole Survivor's good reputation and steady hand convinced many to give their new artificial friends a chance. The Commonwealth benefited strongly from this union and soon much of the Institute's tech spread throughout society.
Railroad Ending (Bad Karma)
The Railroad's triumph over both the Institute and Brotherhood of Steel took most wastelanders by surprise. The Railroad had long been considered little more than a small group of idealists and unimportant to the larger Commonwealth. Emboldened by hundreds of new members thanks to the liberated Synths and inspired by the Sole Survivor's violent example, they soon switched their focus to forcing Wastelanders to accept their new members. The Sole Survivor's ruthlessness and cunning combined with the loyalty of his fanatical new followers soon had the Commonwealth on its knees. The New Synth Order is already planning to use the Institute's technology to spread their rule further.
The Minutemen ending (Institute Destroyed, BoS alive, Good Karma)
The Minutemen's victory over the Institute solidified the average wastelander's opinion not only were the heroes back but they were ready to take on the worst the Commonwealth had to offer. Recruitment tripled and every settlement gave more than their fair share to keep the organization going for the next few decades. The Sole Survivor won every election they chose to participate in and was considered for the position of Commonwealth President. The Brotherhood of Steel was less than happy to have their crowning moment of glory stolen from them but saw little reason to harass the mostly low-tech Minutemen. A treaty was hammered out between the two groups and the Brotherhood withdrew from the Commonwealth.
The Minutemen ending (Institute Destroyed, BoS destroyed, Good Karma)
The Minutemen's victory over the Institute and Brotherhood of Steel solidified the average wastelander's opinion not only were the heroes back but they were ready to take on the worst the Commonwealth had to offer. Recruitment tripled and every settlement gave more than their fair share to keep the organization going for the next few decades. The Sole Survivor won every election they chose to participate in and was considered for the position of Commonwealth President. Though outraged by what they considered to be the murder of not only their Elder but hundreds of Paladins, Scribes, and Squires, the Brotherhood of Steel had little ability to retaliate against the revived organization. It was a long way from the Capital Wasteland and they had lost their best method of doing so.
The Minutemen ending (Institute Destroyed, BoS alive, Evil Karma)
The Minutemen's victory over the Institute and Brotherhood of Steel solidified the average wastelander's opinion not only were the heroes back but they were ready to take on the worst the Commonwealth had to offer. This opinion would change as the Minutemen's harsh new dictatorial attitude became clear. Recruits were conscripted by force and every settlement gave more than they could give as a means of paying for their 'protection.'The Sole Survivor abolished the election system and assumed the position of General-for-Life. Elder Maxson respected the new leader and eventually negotiated a treaty which allied their two forces militarily.
The Minutemen ending (Institute Destroyed, BoS destroyed, Evil Karma)
The Minutemen's victory over the Institute and Brotherhood of Steel solidified the average wastelander's opinion not only were the heroes back but they were ready to take on the worst the Commonwealth had to offer. This opinion would change as the Minutemen's harsh new dictatorial attitude became clear. Recruits were conscripted by force and every settlement gave more than they could give as a means of paying for their 'protection.' The Sole Survivor abolished the election system and assumed the position of General-for-Life. Though outraged by what they considered to be the murder of not only their Elder but hundreds of Paladins, Scribes, and Squires, the Brotherhood of Steel had little ability to retaliate against the revived organization. It was a long way from the Capital Wasteland and they had lost their best method of doing so.