Hard crashing, freezes, corrupt saves, unable to load

Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 4:47 am

By far the buggiest game I've ever played in all my years of gaming. I cannot believe that i have to manually save every 2-3 minutes because there is a very good chance that when I try to load a game later it will just hang on the previous save. I just keep stepping back thru saves until it eventually loads one of them. But forcing the game to quit, re launching it, and reselecting the save over and over again is really a bummer. Should not be this way.

So now I seem to have a game breaking bug happening that I can't seem to get around. I am doing The Molecular Level quest (I also have discovered Road to Freedom but it's not active, although I've tried it both ways) and no matter what I do, when I reach a certain area of the map while following the Freedom Trail I get a hard freeze. (can't move, screen freezes, environmental sounds stop, but music still plays) Every single time. I'm stumped. It seems to be if I get too close to Faneuil Hall it locks. Every single time. I can't continue, and it almost always corrupt my save as well. Both the quick save and manual. Doing it right now, I can see Faneuil Hall, I'm a hundred feet away (following the freedom trail) I save manually and quick save. Walk forward, crash. Re-launch, try to load - hangs indefinitely.

Any ideas?

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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 7:55 pm

Yep its way more buggier that fallout 3 you would think Bethesda would approach in making this game with more care...NOT, its a broken mess and we are still waiting for them to fix some of this, so here we are, its December and still playing off the day one patch? The support for this game is a joke.

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loste juliana
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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 10:37 pm

I'm just stunned by the amount of glitches and hangs and crashes. I've never had a game crash and corrupt saves like this. I played Borderlands for about 3 years without a single crash. It's killing the experience of this game that I have to save every time I do anything. Cause if I don't, and play for 20 minutes and open a door and go to a load screen and BOOM. Endless load. Re-start, corrupt save. Awesome, let me re-play EVERYTHING.


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Elisabete Gaspar
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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 10:31 pm

same here 100 hours corrupt because of a bug !!! many beautiful words before launch and then here we are with the game broken, ashamed for the way we have been led to believe that the game would not have had serious bugs! impostors

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stevie critchley
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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 5:35 pm

I agree with all of you above....any other game studio would have at least posted at least one or two patches by this time...right now I am playing something else....im just tired of the crashes, framerate drops, corrupt saves, bugs, glitches.....buggier than a roach motel?

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Louise Dennis
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