Battle of Bunker Hill Quest Glitched. *Spoilers*

Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 5:22 am

Hi, my problem is that I cannot reach the top of CIT to speak with Father. Every time I enter the door to go the roof the game freezes/crashes. The first time I did the battle I killed the courser before the battle, which left me with the objective of "kill the courser", so I thought that was why the game wasn't letting me on the roof. I then loaded a save 2 hours before and did the battle again, this time allowing the courser to come all the way down to the basemant. Once there, I killed two synths and then killed him, killed the last few synths, and all objectives except the one to meet with Father was completed.

However, the door to the roof still crashes the game. I don't think a jetpack would work either as the rubble around the building also crashes the game.

So, is there any fix for this or do I have to wait for a patch?

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Leticia Hernandez
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