If I had to guess they'll probably start releasing them one per week once we're seven weeks out from release.
I'd guess 8 week from release - the last week would be the release, so no need to hype the game any further (and who wants to watch a S.P.E.C.I.A.L. video, when they can be playing the game?). I am *hoping* the GamesCon video will be released in about 4 days or so, when we are 9 weeks out - as that would mean one video of something per week until release. But, who knows?
I was thinking about this some time ago. I came to the conclusion that the once a week timeline won't happen. Why postpone Int, Agi, and luck that long?
Feel free to call me out on this if I'm wrong, but I predict they'll either release two videos at once each week, or they'll release two or three over the course of a week. If Oct 23 weren't so close to Nov 10, I'd even go as far to say that that's the day we'll get the first video.
They'll wait until Nov, 9th and release them all at once.... at midnight.
I hypothesized that they would be released 2 weeks apart with the last one coming a week before, that didn't happen. Then I guessed it might be every 10 days since 70 days to launch was last Tuesday, that didn't happen either. Releasing them one at a time 8 weeks before release makes sense, but who knows? I understand not giving away too much too soon about the story, but it baffles me why they haven't given us a taste of the SPECIAL videos yet. If for no other reason than to quash all the speculation about how the perks work, and what perks are in the game.
Does anyone know if there are any major game conferences between now and release day?
I wonder what the timeline was for even making the videos. It could be that the back end of SPECIAL videos are still getting finishing touches or whatever, and they don't want to release anything unless they're positive it'll all be done.
But that's not likely; these are professionals, and these kinds of things get planned months in advance. Chances are they're still on the exact timeline they set up for themselves.
Yeah, that makes more sense, kinda had a brain fart with the number of weeks there. I'm still hoping they release that video, too, as I'd rather not have to watch "two shoulders, one vid" in order to get more Fallout 4.
Wouldn't these videos would be primarily for people new to Fallout? If that's the case, then I have to admit one a week doesn't seem like a good way to keep a newcomer's interest.
It might even be once a day up to release. I'd really like it to be once a week, though. That way, for seven weeks I get a new They Might Be Giants song and a SPECIAL video.
Not necessarily. With the changes to the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. system - such as some skills being Perks, stealth relying on Agility and criticals now having a charge meter, which fills up more rapidly based on how high your luck is, there is a LOT that even the veteran Fallout player could learn from a S.P.E.C.I.A.L. video. Granted, I don't know exactly what will be in any of those videos, and maybe it won't be anything we veteran players don't already know, but with all the changes, I am optimistic that there will at least be *something* in them that will be news to us.
You missed the Endurance one released yesterday.
Unless of course if the speculation were perhaps a little too close to the final perks...
Why do we need the videos when we already know all of them
Dude, PLEASE quit the self-promotional tour....we get you worked hard on your speculation of Perks but to think Bethesda is scheduling video releases based on it is far BEYOND the realm of self-delussion....give it a MAJOR rest.
The fact that I can no longer tell emphasizes my point....
Alright, I'll call myself out here: looks like I was wrong. At a pace of one video per a week, that would put the last video coming out the week of Oct 23, when the Great War started in Fallout. I suspect the last video will come out a bit before the 23rd and we'll get the full perk chart on the 23rd. Here's hoping!!!