Alternative uses for fusion cores

Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 10:40 am

I would like to see fusion cores, consumable items as they are, to power up a number of gadgets:

Following are the examples that could use (and/or continously consume) a fusion core:

- stealth boy

- attachable headlamp for helmets

- attachable tactical light for weapons

- deployable robot companions

- gauss rifle

- modified muzzle attachable juiced up bug zapper (to hurt and stagger closerange enemies)

- wire connected nuka cola truck with a (fusion *wink*) bomb to drive into enemies

- throwable modified and juiced up tesla ark gizmo

- fusion core slingshot (brats slinging nukes LOL)

- use fusion cores to make fusion cells, plasma cartridges, gamma cartridges

- electric arc gun (zap, stun, burn, turn to ash)

And thats just off the top of my head. Limitless implementation possibilities!

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[ becca ]
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 7:12 am

How about a generator for your settlement? Like the various ones you can remove a fusion core from.

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kevin ball
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 9:57 pm

I'd like to be able to use fusion cores to recharge (or over charge) energy cells via the weapons bench. In addition I'd like to have the ability to recharge empty fusion cores with energy cells.

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Alan Cutler
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:45 pm

Good Idea

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AnDres MeZa
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 5:48 pm

Using it as ammo for more weapons would be cool. Like maybe a Tesla Cannon that can be charged up similarly to the Laser Musket or Gauss Rifle, for a brutally over-powered attack that consumes a good amount of your Fusion Core. More settlement items like turrets or Tesla Mines could use them in a crafting recipe, too.

in fact, putting Fusion Cores in more crafting recipes might be a good use for them. Create Fusion Mines or Grenades by tricking out the Fusion Core. Once the mod tools come out I plan on making a new modification you can add to Power Armor torso pieces- so instead of the Jumpjet or Tesla Coils, you can create a set of Power Armor that doesn't deplete its Fusion Core in use. I'll probably put a lot of Fusion Cores in the crafting recipe, and name it "Energy Recycler" or something.

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