I would like to see fusion cores, consumable items as they are, to power up a number of gadgets:
Following are the examples that could use (and/or continously consume) a fusion core:
- stealth boy
- attachable headlamp for helmets
- attachable tactical light for weapons
- deployable robot companions
- gauss rifle
- modified muzzle attachable juiced up bug zapper (to hurt and stagger closerange enemies)
- wire connected nuka cola truck with a (fusion *wink*) bomb to drive into enemies
- throwable modified and juiced up tesla ark gizmo
- fusion core slingshot (brats slinging nukes LOL)
- use fusion cores to make fusion cells, plasma cartridges, gamma cartridges
- electric arc gun (zap, stun, burn, turn to ash)
And thats just off the top of my head. Limitless implementation possibilities!