I got the old version of FO2 installed, thanks to help from the forum, but now Ive run into a new problem
Immediately after the intro finishes, the screen just pixelates and freezes. If I exit, and re-open, I can hear the menu music but the screen is just black. I can even start the game...I just cant see anything.
Ive installed killaps's patch, the high res patch, played around with the compatibility settings, and even re-installed without any luck.
I know this is a common problem because all of my searches led me to other forums, and other chumps doing their own searches.
Anyone got any specific ideas, some easy fix a rookie PC gamer like myself may have missed?
If I nut up, and pay to download the XP version will that even work?
I just wanna play FO2 dude :thumbsup:
(damn, I type o'd my thread title, Ive been on-line to long, eye's tired)