Fallout 4 Enemy Levels

Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 6:27 pm

So I was reading that the Enemies might not be scaling to our level like in previous games, but rather certain zones will have certain level enemies within them.

Now I'm not against this as it could make for a lot of fun times, but what I'm worried about it with no level cap aren't we eventually going to be just one shotting everything and not have any degree of challenge?

If this is the case I'd like to offer a suggestion that combine both the new system you are going to use and the previous one.

( Obviously only if what I said is the case, and you could update it in a DLC maybe? )

So the suggestion is this:

Say I'm level 1 and the area I want to get to contains level 5 enemies. I'm going to go away and take the time to level up to 5, so that I can take them on. But passed that they would be pushovers. So how about when I reach the same level as the enemies within that area, that those enemies that are the same level as me then start levelling with me?

This way I'll still have to get to level 10 to take on enemies in a level 10 area but when I go back to the level 5 area those enemies will also be level 10, and hence still offer a challenge to the player.

I don't know if this is possible at all, or even if my assumption is correct, but I just thought I'd offer something that might be a possible solution to keep players challenged by enemies. :)

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Sheila Esmailka
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 7:52 am

I love playing video games that have absolutely no level scaling of loot and NPC's a lot.

However Fallout 4 I think will have level scaling of loot and NPC's. Todd Howard said certain areas will be level 30 NPC's if you are level 1, but once you are level 30+ those NPC's level up with you I think? If I read what Todd Howard said correctly?

However I do hope there is absolutely no level scaling of loot and NPC's in Fallout 4.

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 10:05 pm

So if that's true then what I suggested is already what they are doing haha. Though if they aren't I hope they consider doing that.

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Silvia Gil
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 6:41 pm

The way it's described I imagine it will work almost exactly like it does in Skyrim. Encounter zones have thresholds they will scale in between - so it wouldn't be a level 5 zone, it would be a level 5-15 zone. And some enemies will always have a set level, like Giants or Dragon Priests (or Deathclaws and Super Mutant Behemoths). I do think they have to include some scaling, otherwise we'll get a situation like Morrowind where the challenge just completely disappears.

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Laura Simmonds
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 6:13 pm

I hope so, Elder Scrolls and Fallout games are the only game I can spend thousands of hours on. I can get lost in them, I just don't want to get to a point were all challenge in the game is gone.

Either way though I'm super excited to play the game, I don't get this excited for many games, but right now I'm like a little girl the day before Christmas. I cannot wait haha.

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Jhenna lee Lizama
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 6:54 pm

Bethesda's improved this with every game. I found Oblivion nearly unplayable because of how broken the scaling was. Fallout 3 was better, but I hated the "bullet sponge" enemies of the endgame. Skyrim was very well balanced in general, so I expect Fallout 4 to get this damn near perfect.

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 12:46 pm

That's F'n right!
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Jonathan Montero
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 7:50 pm

Eh Skyrims was far from balanced, it was better than Oblivions yes, but it was worse than New Vegas which did it perfectly. in Skyrim you could walk around the entire open world map and apart from the giant camps and a 3 spots around riften which contained frost trolls, you would never find anything else other skeevers, wolves and lvl1-5 npcs. No bears, no sabercats, no trolls, nothing. they would not start showing up until you were a certain level which made the world far too safe

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 9:40 am

So wolves, skeevers, and low level NPCs should disappear from the game because of the PCs level?
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 4:07 pm

no they should stay, the others should be in the world from the start. just like in New Vegas Giant rad scorpions would kill you at lvl one but were in plenty of areas the same with cazadors and every other creature. where in skyrim they would not of shown up in the open world until you were at a level to actually deal with them. Can you kill a giant rad scorp at level 1 in NV.. yes you can, it will take a while and requires some fancy footwork but it can be done. you cant kill at a bear at level one in the open world because they dont even spawn until level 13-15 because the world is shackled to much to the PC

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:33 pm

I expect it will be much like Skyrim, where every enemy type has a range of difficulties and levels, and every area has a range of enemy types (and levels) that can spawn there.

So some enemies, like Radroaches and low-tier Raiders might be a challenge early on, but you'll eventually overlevel them and they'll become total pushovers. Deathclaws and top-tier Ghouls, on the other hand, would completely devastate you early on, and still provide a challenge late in the game.


Radroach scales from level 0 to level 10

Basic Raider scales from level 5 to level 25

Glowing One scales from level 30 to 90

Deathclaw scales from level 40 to 300

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 11:13 am

for what Todd said during E3 was that some areas on the game will have hight level enemies Example: Raider main base will be level 50+

but if u come to do that place when u are level 60 the raider there will scale up to you.

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 5:11 pm

Oh ok, I gotcha now. Sorry I misunderstood!
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Kay O'Hara
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:25 pm

There are bears in several areas at level 1 in Skyrim, especially around Ivarstead. You will always find them in the 2 closest caves. You will also always find frost trolls at Labyrinthian and a masked dragon priest at Shearpoint. There aren't as many random encounters in NV, so you can memorize almost every enemy in every spot in the game, no matter what level you are.

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:22 pm

So i've only been playing FO3 for a little while. One thing i was wondering about FO3 and i'm also wondering if it will be the same in FO4 is if mob difficulty will always be tied to mob type. Like for example if you get into a hard area will it be nothing but Yao Guai/Deathclaws or Mutants? it seems like when i want to go clear out a hide-ey hole in FO3 i expect mutants and it'll be just like the previous hole that i cleared out. There was a school near Megaton Springvale Elementary i think? that was actually a hideout for Bandits and i thought that was pretty cool. But then it seemed like every other encounter since then has been mostly mutants but with the occasional bandit pack. I dont think i've been attacked by the Talon mercs in a few days.

So will FO4 have a bigger variety of mob types? or will it just be mutants, mutants, and more mutants? would be nice to see another mob type that is the same strength as mutants but just different in some way. Like bandits that are stronger then the normal bandit types cause they have a minigun, steel armor or they are on drugs or something.

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