So I was reading that the Enemies might not be scaling to our level like in previous games, but rather certain zones will have certain level enemies within them.
Now I'm not against this as it could make for a lot of fun times, but what I'm worried about it with no level cap aren't we eventually going to be just one shotting everything and not have any degree of challenge?
If this is the case I'd like to offer a suggestion that combine both the new system you are going to use and the previous one.
( Obviously only if what I said is the case, and you could update it in a DLC maybe? )
So the suggestion is this:
Say I'm level 1 and the area I want to get to contains level 5 enemies. I'm going to go away and take the time to level up to 5, so that I can take them on. But passed that they would be pushovers. So how about when I reach the same level as the enemies within that area, that those enemies that are the same level as me then start levelling with me?
This way I'll still have to get to level 10 to take on enemies in a level 10 area but when I go back to the level 5 area those enemies will also be level 10, and hence still offer a challenge to the player.
I don't know if this is possible at all, or even if my assumption is correct, but I just thought I'd offer something that might be a possible solution to keep players challenged by enemies.