When I saw the poll, I knew first hand the votes were going to be "No" for the majority, and that saddens me. I do not know what it is about BEthseda fans but they seem to hate ANY Change at all, even OPTIONAL changes that have ZERO affect on them.
CAn someone please explain how it would hurt to have parkour or how it wouldn't be fitting at all?
The entire thing can be tied into the agility/perks and it would be something you'd build your character for, making them very agile/quick and allowing tihem to climb and reach others that others without the ability coudln't. Just like you could do with certain builds in TES games.
In an RPG, especially an open world rpg, having more vairety and choices to me is a very very welcome addition to the game.
Playing dying light a few months back showed how decent first person parkor/climbing could be done, and it adds a LOT to the gameplay if you enjoy exploring and finding new things you might otherwise not find by being stuck to the ground.
Plus does it not make sense, in areas with large buildings and things that people would naturally find ways to climb and get to certain places?