Parkour a good idea for FO4?

Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 12:53 am

When I saw the poll, I knew first hand the votes were going to be "No" for the majority, and that saddens me. I do not know what it is about BEthseda fans but they seem to hate ANY Change at all, even OPTIONAL changes that have ZERO affect on them.

CAn someone please explain how it would hurt to have parkour or how it wouldn't be fitting at all?

The entire thing can be tied into the agility/perks and it would be something you'd build your character for, making them very agile/quick and allowing tihem to climb and reach others that others without the ability coudln't. Just like you could do with certain builds in TES games.

In an RPG, especially an open world rpg, having more vairety and choices to me is a very very welcome addition to the game.

Playing dying light a few months back showed how decent first person parkor/climbing could be done, and it adds a LOT to the gameplay if you enjoy exploring and finding new things you might otherwise not find by being stuck to the ground.

Plus does it not make sense, in areas with large buildings and things that people would naturally find ways to climb and get to certain places?

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hannah sillery
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 7:54 pm

Because for the parkour mechanics to be done well, and offer a rewarding experience, they would have to design the game world around that kind of movement; which screws over people who don't spec in an acrobatic sort of character. How the character moves and where they can or can't reach is fundamental to how the entire game world is designed.

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Nicole Kraus
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 2:14 pm

I also don't want any quests where I have to race, or catch someone, using parkour.

Shooting is one thing, because you can use vats as a go around, but I think a parkour system is too visceral and wouldn't have much to do with character skill, rather it would be based on the player skill/reaction times. ...The next thing you know, they're slipping QTEs in F5
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Mrs shelly Sugarplum
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 7:32 pm

Uggh I hate those missions in AC games where you have to chase folks down. I just played one in Black Flag where you have to run a guy down and tackle him. That was not the hard part; in order to get 100% synchronization you also had to tackle him from the air! Took me a while to find a way to do it. So annoying.
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Emzy Baby!
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 7:21 pm

If it's optional it's pointless and wasted development time. It would have to have rewards and benefits, Both 3 and NV had a habbit of hiding loot in hard to reach spots so it would just increase that and force people to use it to get rewards. Then you have everything other than light armour and small weapons being useable, would look insane watching a guy in a set of heavy armour climbing up a building with a flamethrower on his back lol.

We aren't stuck to the ground though, we haven't been in Fallout 3 of NV.

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candice keenan
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 1:41 pm

The "If it's optional it's pointless and wasted development time" could also be applied to base building and weapon modding as both are also optional. What constitutes "pointless and wasted development time" is a very subjective matter. There are a lot of posts out there from people complaining about the "pointless" base building while I think that it is a very valuable addition to Fallout. Different people have different opinions.

Nevertheless I also don't like the idea of having a parkour part in Fallout. The Fallout franchise started as a classical RPG which is basically number crunching (as opposed to player skills). And the RPG part is what attracted me to Fallout. Fallout 3 relaxed the RPG part and mixed it with FPS elements, but it's still number crunching. My expectation for Fallout 4 is that it will still respect the classical RPG roots despite relaxing the RPG part even more. And a parkour is the quite opposite of number crunching, it's heavily focused on player skills. Bringing both number crunching and player skills together so that it fluently works together is a very hard task, and they are doing it already with mixing RPG and FPS elements. So adding parkour would just complicate everything even more, which will only have a negative impact on the game in my opinion.

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Nathan Hunter
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Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 12:00 am

A perk to climb a chain link fence?

Seriously I would just like to be able to do the things I can IRL in the game as far as stepping over obstacles and climbing fences/ladders. Granted I know the game needs some boundaries but being held up because there's a 3 foot tin fence in front of me is just insulting.

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 4:25 pm

Wouldn't put base building quite the same, there's a clear cut result from it in gaining traders who from what they've said sell some of the best kit in the game.

However being able to climb up a wall and get to the top of a building with nothing to do apart from maybe try to snipe a few critters which unless the AI is much better is rather embarassing in the other games...My point with parkour is that it would need to have a reward to be worth while at which point its not really optional, especially if it needs perks for it.

Although I guess jumping is gonna be better now we can sprint.

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Krystal Wilson
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 12:20 pm

Dont get me wrong, of course most people can climb fences in real life.
But... the idea here is that everything has a cost. If you simply make it where anyone can scale a fence from the gate (from level 1), then that's all anyone will use when confronted with a fence or wall, making them completely useless for the developers to use as bottlnecks/ways to corral you. I recognize that and see earning a way to get around them as a compromise.

Now, it being a perk doesn't mean you have to spend a level up perk point on it. It could be given for completing an unmarked/side quest or handling an encounter in the proper way. Perhaps it even needs the PC agility to be at a certain level to even unlock it.
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Trista Jim
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 9:37 pm

Even if one concedes that it would be cool, it would be a nightmare to implement and hardly worth the trouble. Consider the following:

1) The system would have to work equally well in both first and third person perspective in an engine that has previously had problems rendering something as simple as strafing movement in third person without the appearance of 'skating'.

2) NPCs and critters would need to be able to compensate for the player movement by doing similar things themselves. Since NPCs are actually governed as much (more, actually) by the environment as they are their AIs, this would mean that every inch of the game would probably have to be filled with 'parkour markers' or something for the NPCs to use. Critters would likewise need scaling abilities ... radscorpions would need to be able to climb walls, etc ... and once again, the Bethesda engine has never handled four (or more) legged creatures on non-leveled ground very well. We can't have the player simply hopping up on top of some spot where they are untouchable and mowing down deathclaws and other baddies unable to reach them, after all.

3) There would need to be means to achieve most objectives without using the feature (not everyone wants to play that sort of character), which means that all of those technical issues would have to be addressed just to accommodate a niche play style that wouldn't have a huge impact on the game beyond aesthetics.

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lauren cleaves
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 11:04 am

Having a small climp option as well as allowing NPCs to use the system as well would add to the realism of the game. It would further differentiate power armor characters and light armor characters in a good way, since going full power armor is arguably always going to be the better option outside of stealth situations.

But adding it would require quite a lot of time, which might not be worth it. Eventually when the development process is so fast that implementing something like this is worth it, I'd love to see it.

But I don't expect such a feature in Fo4, or the next TES game either.

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Vickey Martinez
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:56 pm

I voted yes, not because I plan on doing any parkour, or would even want to be able to. Simply because I think we desperately need better walking/running/sprinting/jumping/climbing features. Not being able to scale a pile of rubble or climb a regular fence is just not acceptable anymore. For an open world game, there are too many restriction stemming from poor maneuverability.

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Lavender Brown
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 9:10 pm

I could say the same thing about VATS, Base Building, Power armor, etc.

It's all optional. The point is it allows players to have a difference experience and do something with their character they might enjoy.

You can have missions that are open ended and allow for different ways to achieve it, being able to parkour would allow for faster traversal in some areas and could be an optional way to get from point a to b in a different way.

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Maddy Paul
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 9:34 am

I would necessarily want full out mirror's Edge or Dying Light parkour but to at least be able to climb over certain obstacles (such as chain link fences) would be awesome.
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Rob Davidson
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 3:58 pm

Full-on Parkour doesn't seem like a good fit but I'll echo those who'd like to see better running/climbing mechanics. Those un-climbable little fences are irritating. I also like to get up top of things to shoot monsters. Damn, I hope they don't get better climbing mechanics.

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Kelli Wolfe
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 9:29 am

lol yeah, that's one major consideration - any maneuverability they grant the player means more headaches for AI pathfinding. I think that may actually be the deal-breaker.

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Penny Courture
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:16 pm

Yes the fire system thats been common in all the games and helps those that aren't good at FPS is pointless. The highest armour value armour is pointless and getting good trades is pointless...

Problem is the amount of work for it would need there to be a direct reward other than cutting off the odd corner in a location while fitting the game world.

Only if you have a high agility and light kit.

The system also doesn't seem much use for most of the NPCs in the game.

I do agree with a sort of mantling system that you can pull yourself up on to low items and hop over the fences but that's miles away from parkour.

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Nitol Ahmed
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 11:02 am

We're always going to deal with the limitations of the engine here I think as well as design philosophy. While I definitely agree getting stuck on certain rocks is annoying that's a different issue. In the game itself, say FONV besides hopping a cow pasture fence I can't remember any instance where I even had the chance to hop a low say 7'+ fence etc. Some rocky cliff type stuff maybe but other then that I don't know, and I do think when we think parkour we definitely think wall running etc which would never work or I think be put in the series. And please don't give the "optional" argument as just because it's an option doesn't mean it needs to be in the game.

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John N
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 10:51 am

As some others have mentioned I wouldn't mind a far cry or gta style climbing system but definitly no parkour. It just doesn't "fit" to me. If they did something like that I'd expect agility to be super high and you couldn't wear armor while doing it.

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Mel E
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 2:02 pm

My first thought was "hell no", but thinking about it...having a limited sort of parkour in F4, might not be terrible. The issue is if they were to focus too much on it. However, if it's just a small portion of it and not a huge game mechanic that everything revolves around, I'd be cool with it.
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Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 12:00 am


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Rude Gurl
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 9:44 am

I hope not, but as someone already stated, some kind of climbing could be a nice feature.

Mirrors Edge is all about that and that game became quite boring after the first 2 levels.

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Jack Bryan
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 6:01 pm

Parkour ===Looks that up..

Like in Assassins Creed.. NO

Like in Dragon's dogma- climbing and scaling things.. yes.

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Darlene Delk
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 2:15 pm

I think a major consideration is that the entire game world has to be designed around your use of this "parkour" and a such it's not feasible to be "added" and would likely result in a completely different game if present from the start.

So, no.

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Chris Cross Cabaret Man
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