Hello everyone,
First of all i want to say i've been enjoying game so much. I was aware of same ingame bugs, glitches etc. when got game in launch but most annoying ones are the "game breakers" and heres few of them:
- FPS Drop in different places: reason why happens is unknow. FPS can drop down to 5-10 probably and takes usually from 15 seconds to 1 minute.
- Game crashes: Usually faced this when entered buildings, like during quests etc. Not everyday issue.
- Hovering items (extremly rare)
- Instant deaths when your standing/walking. This one is really annoying when you havent quick saved for long time. And i do quick save usually a lot.
- Building settlements always dont respond as i would like them to
- Quest givers or npc may bug. Dont interact me or are just meditating and ignoring the nuclear world.
Should there be some sticky by staff/moderators to collect all these issues so people can see if they do have same kind of problems? Would help development team to notice biggest game breakers. Altough yes there is also some kind of support team thing to contact for.
EDIT: Forgot to mention also the radiation bug i faced on my main save. I guess its related to somehow to power armors, easily "fixed" by choosing the perk that gives you rad resistation on water. What this bug does is that when you exit your power armor, you keep getting radiation. Go back to your suit and radiation "stays" on specific level lets say like half the radiation meter. You can fast travel to other zone to "remove" bug but it keeps coming back in different zones or power armours.