Area wont load. Walking through buildings. Spoils of war

Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 11:39 pm

I fly in vertibird to mass fusion. I look down and can see that some of the area hasn't yet loaded. Then get to the roof and see synths falling down. Vertibird circles building and laser shots are coming from nowhere. I jump down and fall through the building I survive because I had power armor. Everything in a large radius is kind of loaded but I can walk through what is actually there. There is no way to complete the quest seeing as I need the ID card from the top of the building. I had to restart the quest because before I got through the mission to the point where I had to teleport out. It teleported me up high in the sky above the building where everything hasn't been loaded. There was no way to fix this either. Not turning off the Xbox, not restarting the game, nothing. Please fix. I absolutely love this game except for the seemingly endless aray of glitches.
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Kelly Upshall
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