Pinned quest glitch

Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 10:57 pm

So I was trying to do an Institute playthrough but while doing the quest pinned it is telling me to speak with the minutemen contact. All of the minutemen in the area will only respond with the word general and won't speak with me I have tried killing them to skip that but then it goes to eliminate the opposition and there's nokne left to kill. Does anyone know how I can fix this to get them to speak to me? I am currently going through on a past save to try to fix it.
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Reanan-Marie Olsen
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 10:38 am

I ran into something similar with my last playthrough. If I remember the incident correctly, one of the Minutemen (the one closest to the front door) is the "leader". I had to pester him several times before he stopped saying "General." and opened up some dialogue options. Once that happened, I was able to proceed with the quest with minimal issues.


There were a couple of speech checks to pass in order to get them to stand down and let me go talk to the people inside the house. There were also a couple of speech checks to pass inside the house, but eventually everyone walked away from the encounter.

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Kelly John
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