Doesn't arcade die in the NCR ending?
Doesn't arcade die in the NCR ending?
Gunners really need some fleshing out. They're glorified Raiders as of right now. Other than the implication that they're descendants of the Vault 75 escapees absolutely nothing is known about them. They have leaders in Quincy, but I think they're small fish otherwise we'd be able to interact with them rather than getting shot in the face. The Minute Men's Revenge would be nice too. General Out of Time Sole Survivor should kick their asses to Kingdom Come.
Not necessarily, there are actions you could take that allows him to live in the end.
I also went with an Independent New Vegas so he was alive in my story. Woooo Anarchy !!!!
I agree with the idea that we need endgame DLC. I also wish they had incorporated some of Skyrim's faction wars so I could see a bigger impact (like the Brotherhood taking over and converting new military installations and what not for example). I hate that now I'm a sentinel in the BoS and that's it. Other than mindless radial quests I have no more BoS quests to do.
As for the Enclave, I have my own ideas for them (Fallout 5 maybe?). But they should definitely become more of a Gray faction. Maybe in the exodus from the West Coast some went to secure the Southern United States and became the sole remaining Enclave forces after the events of Fallout 3? At the very least they should give us a free DLC that adds an Enclave skin for our X-01 power armor.
I also want to see more of a humanistic side to the Brotherhood of Steel. I don't want West Coast Brotherhood (Eastern Division). And give me something more than just Sarah and Owyn Lyons being put on a bus after Fallout 3. Being promoted to Elder would be cool. After all you can make General in the Minutemen and Director of the Institute.
These are great ideas! Yeah, I don't understand how narrow minded and pompous Maxson could be, at the same time being heralded as a "great" leader and all. It's totally plausible that there could be an uprising within the ranks, with the scholars and scribes maybe, unwilling to blindly follow Maxson's politics.. Scribe Haylen comes to mind.
As far as gray factions go, and this may be a bit controversial for some...but how about throwing China into the fold? We have General Zao and his sub, surely there could be other survivors / descendants from the Great War.
Outside of the Broken Steel DLC for Fallout 3, which was only made because of the massive backlash over Fallout 3 ending, Bethesda has not, nor will they likely ever, make a faction based DLC.
We will never get a Railroad/Institute/BoS/Minutemen DLc for the same reason we got a Dark Brotherhood/thieves Guild/Companions/College of Winterhold/Empire/Stormcloak DLC for Skyrim.
YOu do realize the majority of the BOS hates what Lyons did and would never want to return to that way.
There is massive backlash now in case you haven't been following the reaction to FO4's ending. Waaay too linear of a storyline. And as much as I hate critics, one of them summarized FO4 rather succinctly, "Wide as the ocean, but deep as a puddle." Hard to argue that when comparing FO4 vs FNV/FO3.
I think it is unrealistic to think that factions will play a role in the DLCs. As was pointed out. The ending makes you pick a faction so a DLC that would force you to break the game is not in the cards.
Look at New Vegas DLCs. Lonesome Road, Dead Money, Honest Hearts, Old World Blues. All take place in a different location altogether, introduce new enemies and allies and have nothing at all to do with New Vegas factions.
Look at Fallout 3 DLCs. The Pitt, Broken Steel, Operation Anchorage and Mothership Zeta. Same thing.
It is more likely that the DLCs will be outside the Commonwealth and introduce new companions and new enemies with no connection to Boston. Building a settlement on the moon is more likely than expanding the Minutemen. I am thinking along the lines of one will be alien related, one will be a VR from Dr. Amari, one will be in New York or Canada and one will be Coast Guard vs pirates off the Cape Cod Coast.
Yup! Surely is creating dissension among the ranks, just as Lyons did, but Lyons was awesome though!
I guess it would be the undoing of the brotherhood if they somehow chose to go this route and help the greater good. I would like to see the BOS evolve somehow from the selfish, reclusive weenies that they are... but that's a really tall order, not to mention put the story line and lore on it's head. Oh morality! When it comes to thickening the plot, you are the water.
>mfw people use morality as a debate in fallout 4 when all the factions are assknaves
I went House.
Woooo ... uh... ancient geniuses?
Its not even 1/10 of the Fallout 3 one, because you can still play after Fo4 ends.
Playing FO4 after MQ ends does nothing to the story line.
And that's exactly my point, as weak as the story line is in comparison to FO3 and FNV, perhaps Bethesda should consider a faction-based DLC or introduce a new faction... to again...thicken the plot, or perhaps segue or preempt a better one for FO5.
My dlc desire would be
Chinese invasion. Repel stealth suited ninjas trying to slice you. And any other odd tech they created. (Or we could invade there)
A bioshock type dlc. Its already been hinted at that underwater will have more of an impact in this game. And it'd actually explain why there is a perk for underwater breathing. (Unless its sole purpose was to work with power armor and lakes)
There is also apparently a harpoon gun hidden in the game files.
I would argue that IMHO there was no need for faction DLC in NV because all the factions were more fleshed out (did wish Caesar's Legion had more territory though because i hate having just one settlement to go to when I've done my evil playthrough and ticked off the NCR). In this case I've destroyed the Institute and the Railroad, Maxson has congratulated me and said that this chapter of the Commonwealth has ended and that it is time they start a new one. And then he promotes me to Sentinel and does nothing. I can do a few random radial quests with no real feel for them at all except for doing them for the sake of leveling and I never get to shape what comes next for the Commonwealth. Aside from getting rid of Mayor McDonough every quest I have left to do in the Commonwealth consists of precisely everything I DIDN'T do before the endgame. I mean WTH Bethesda?
Regarding the Brotherhood at least in Fallout 3 there were dissenters (the Brotherhood Outcast which had the MOST BADASS armor in the Capital Wasteland). Their opposition was clearly articulated, they had a base I could explore and I would find them on patrol patterns in the parts of the Wasteland where Lyon's Brotherhood wouldn't go thus giving them a more fleshed out sense of being. And even some of Lyon's Brotherhood soldiers would show that they were conflicted with Lyon's goals or sympathetic to the Outcasts but ultimately decided to stay besides Lyon's side.
Not so with this man's Brotherhood. Personality-wise everybody just can't shut up about how great Our Glorious Leader is and how much of an idiot Lyons was. Heck there is even a holotape titled "Maxson was right". The one member (besides Scribe Haylen who seems to slide under every other BoS soldiers' suspicion radar) who is a decent, fleshed out human being is revealed to be a synth and excommunicated from the Brotherhood. While I did think that Blind Betrayal was done very well (I loved and took advantage of every opportunity to give a Shut Up, Kirk! comment to Maxson and defended Danse) and Maxson's diatribe at the end of was very well thought out and written (even if I disagreed with him) the rest of the Brotherhood seems much more two dimensional (along with every other faction).
I want my faction wars from Skyrim! Show me a reversal of the Tenpenny Towers situation with the BoS where the ghouls are kicked out of Goodneighbor or something! As far as I'm concerned, from a Brotherhood ending point of view, all I have done is put a brand new radioactive crater in Cambridge.
Also why are we only limiting ourselves to looking at Fallout DLC? Skyrim's DLC in general gave us more options on the base Skyrim map (Dawnguard anyone)? And if I remember correctly Fallout NV's DLC did bleed over into the New Vegas area as I seem to remember raiders carrying M1911s and Thompsons after completing Honest Hearts. Fallout 3: Broken Steel added new faction content for the Brotherhood of Steel and the Enclave Remnants and also finally answered the question of "So what happens now?" after taking back the Purifier. Maybe I'm wrong but I am a little disappointed in the lack of general endgame content. All that's new in the BoS ending is that I can make reactor coolant for Proctor Ingram now. Huzzah!
As I am talking about DLC in general could we PLEASE get a weapons DLC (perhaps made by Obsidian?). This is just something from my "want" list and I don't expect anybody else to necessarily go with it but I'm a bit of a gun nut. And I am disappointed when the "assault rifle" of my game is not only so late game due to its requirements that it is in competition with the Gatling Laser (a competition which it is ROFL-stomped in) but it appears to be the illegitimate love child of a water-cooled machine gun and an FG-42. Seriously the freakin LASER RIFLE, the successor to the Assault Rifle in the United States Armed Forces, is not only much lower in level requirements to fully upgrade but also has just about as plentiful ammo and in general is just better. I loved Obsidian's inclusion of RL guns that actually made sense in the world of 2077 (still love my All-American rifle) and even some archaic ones (Ranger Sequoia in .45-70? I had to look that round up!). And where's my handloaded ammo?! I spent hours alone just going out and getting the ingredients for special bullets that made my guns perform just a little bit better.
Lastly, please reintroduce Karma and SPECIAL stat effects in the ingame world. I hate how in the game I cannot be an utterly evil individual like I could in Fallout 3 and NV. At best I could be a pseudo-Enclave individual and side with the Institute. I feel no real compunction to do a second evil playthrough like I did in Fallout 3 (where Paradise Falls was my second home and I acted like a devil may care Raider) or especially in New Vegas (where I was a hulking he-man ODing on combat drugs who thought ranged weapons were for sissies and fought for the Legion). A DLC that adds an interactable Raider faction (to maybe lead into battle with my still needs more mod options Raider Power armor) with storyline (either for or against it) and maybe some settlement addons (after all if I am going to be the Wasteland's newest warlord I reserve the right to watch a deathclaw and a Supermutant battle to the death in my very own gladiatorial arena!).
And add back in the SPECIAL and perk consequences. I loved being able to use my higher intelligence or whatever to achieve results I couldn't otherwise. Having a high intelligence which gave me the speech option to quote Moby dike and impress the crap out of a Brotherhood Outcast was one of the most awesome moments of Fallout 3. And belonging to the "special fraternity" of ghouls with the ghoul perk in Fallout: New Vegas gave me a lot more memorable options in my evil playthrough. The only time SPECIAL really mattered beyond carrying weight and how much HP I had in Fallout 4 was when I had to repair the USS Constitution in which case most of the perks of high intelligence was voided by having the wires needed for a moron to do the work literally right next to me on the ship. I honestly don't remember ever using basic Mentats in Fo4 for anything other than repairing the navigation disk.
In summary for those who feel this was TL;DR I basically ask Bethesda to 1.) Give the community more endgame faction content, 2.) flesh out the existing factions more, 3.) more guns maybe? and lastly 4.) bring back Karma/interactable Raiders and ingame effects of SPECIAL stats and perks
Sorry for all those who feel I am just complaining Fo4 is really a good game but I just think it could have used a bit more polish and content. And I also believe that the faction DLC could all be put in one big faction pack that doesn't require multiple DLCs. All references to the Brotherhood of Steel endings also broadly apply for the other factions. Great I'm Director now! Where's my Director content? I've liberated the Synths for the Railroad! What now?
I largely agree with your points.
Unlike everyone else I don't want four faction DLCs, because three of them I won't give a crap about. I imagine some other people might feel the same way. I know a great majority of the forum posters couldn't play Brotherhood unless you paid them.
I doubt they'll do four DLCs, let alone one for each faction. They've said that working on that many DLCs for Fallout 3 really burned them out, hence why Skyrim had only two story DLCs, but they were considerably more substantial. It also helps that Bethesda doesn't like doing "Weapon pack" DLCs, and prefers to include any new items they add into their story DLCs - based on some of the complaints I've seen, I think they'll really focus on upping the variety of weapons and armor in their DLCs. (personally I'd like to see them to add a few more romanceable companions with DLCs, too, but I haven't seen a lot of complaints about that)
So maybe they won't do a separate DLC for each faction, but they'll add a new DLC questline that adds more content for each of the factions. Like a new fifth faction hits the scene, and we can either side with them or use whatever faction we're sided with to take them down. That would make for an excellent story DLC that takes place in the regular Commonwealth. For a DLC in a new location, I think they're going to take us someplace seriously f'ed up, on the level of the Pitt. Someplace just rampant with raiders, slavers, mutants, and tyrants.
That's true I forgot to add that I would prefer just one big Faction DLC pack. Will edit that in along with how all Brotherhood examples also work with any of the other factions.
I personally never felt all that attracted to the other factions (though they did have some memorable characters). I loved the Minutemen but it seemed like Bethesda made them solely as the mechanism for "this is how we get the players settlements". The Railroad just had a one track mentality and I never felt that even if all the other factions were destroyed that they would ever come in out of the shadows and take center stage. The Institute was the one that intrigued me the most and I may do a pseudo-evil walkthrough with them using one of my earlier saves (not too different for me to create an entire new save game experience and go through all that again) but their intention to destroy all remaining Old World values didn't jive with me my first playthrough. Also the Brotherhood is where da power armor is at.
In regards to the Pitt-like location I'm guessing that you are obviously talking about Detroit?