Hello, I would like to share some of my thoughts about the game. I don't know if this is the right forum for it, but this thread will have a lot of spoilers inside, so I won't risk posting it in general discussion. Also sorry for any english errors, It's not my primmary language. I hope for both community discussion and maybe Bethesda answer. So let's start....
Fallout 3 was my favourite game of all time, so I bought F4 on release day. I have 127h on steam currently and I would like to post some thoughts, ideas, general feedback and report some bugs here(I will try to separate everything, so just skip to anything you want.)
1. General Feedback
I love the game, it's great no doubt I will point out things that i liked and things I didn't enjoy now.
+ V.A.T.S, combat overall, a lot of people can disagree but in my opinnion F4>F3 considering combat.
+ Main story - I enjoyed the storyline very much, don't know what more can I say, it was just well writen and I wanted to see how things will turn out. There were some things that I didn't enjoy but will get to that later.
+ Diamond City Radio - very nice new songs, Travis is annoying as hell at first, but I got used to him and started liking him later into the game. Hearing songs from F3 made me smile few times too.
+ Difficulty - survival is very nice difficulty.
+ Commonwealth - This place is just epic, exploring the wasteland is very, very satisfying. There a lot of well made unique locations like Goodneighbor, Old North Curch, West Roxbury Parking Lot, Vaults, Museum of Witchcraft just to name few.
+ Companions - Oh boy, where to start.... can I just say they are awesome? Well done Bethesda, simply well done. Piper is my absolute favourite, but others are also well writen, interesting, USEFUL!, and some made me feel nostalgic(looking at you MacReady).
+ Fallout 3 references - G.O.A.T. test made me laugh really hard, seeing MacReady, Madison Li and the list goes on - Very nice and adds a lot to gaming expirience.
+ Weapon modification - not perfect, but it's cool.
+ Power Armor feels powerful, but isn't everyone's go-to armor - that's big + for me. (also modifications are cool)
+ Puzzles - Freedom Trail, West Roxbury Trains etc. Really nice thing to have in game.
+ Few ways to do some quests - that's standard in RPGs, so I don't think there's much to say
+ Settlements/Building - It's great to have it here in the game, and that's positive, but there a lot of negative things in this system.
+ There are no useless S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stats now - yes I'm looking back at Fallout 3's Charisma stat.
+ I haven't feel as relaxed as when playing Fallout 4 for a long time.
- Glitches, glitches never change.
- Settlements/Building - As I said, it's great to have it in the game, but it's really clumsy, buggy and not user friendly. It would be nice to have pieces of buildings snap to each other better. Decorating a settlement is hard as hell, atleast for me. I dropped some items like Mr. Handy Model, billard balls/cues, weapons, Publick Occurances magazine around the house/settlement and they seem to disapear for some reason or change positions. Magazines on magazine stand are constantly dropping from it and lay on the floor. Getting to 100% happines is ridicilous and even impossible for some players (bugged). Settlement size limit - I mean... why would you limit amount of things we can build? I glitched it and can build unlimited amount of things, please if you don't want to delete limit, atleast don't patch the glitch. Settlers seem to be very dumb and they like going to every rooftop possible and stand there looking on the sun 24/7. It's very hard for me (don't know if anyone has same problems) to make them go to selling stand, they seem to not respect my orders sometimes. Also I noticed that Vault-Tec Agent that I had in my settlement somehow disapeared and can't seem to find him anywhere, Paladin Danse stands in middle of my settlement and only interaction I can have with him is "trade". Last thing in settlement part - how can few bandits kiddnap a person from settlement with almost 100 defense stat?(Happened to me once in sanctuary) this is unrealistic.
- Repetitive are just too repetitive - Minuteman and Railroad quests (I don't know how it is for other fractions) are so damn repetitive it's painful to watch. I like them because I can level up without limits after finishing a lot of other quests but lately these quests got so repetitive that it's painful to watch. I visited Corvega Plant 3 times in a row for a railroad quest with the L&L gang, and visited federal ration stockpile few times for minuteman quests and it's empty everytime... it's just annoying to hear that bandits took someone from a settlement, go to that place and see that the victim is alone in the location. I know it's the purpose of these quests to be repetitive, but there could be a little more locations for them, and maybe not the same for two fractions (Corvega for minuteman and railroad).
- Almost same ending for every fraction - excluding The Institute, other fractions have the same ending (SPOILER - big boom).
- Ending movie - This was the hugest disapointment in the entire game for me.... Fallout 3 wasn't perfect either, but atleas it showed your choices, your actions, and F4? it doesn't really show anything.
- Liberty Prime is starting to get overused - that's just my opinnion.
- Melee weapons - I don't have great perks for melee because I'm playing sniper-type character, but Melee just feel really underpowered compared to what I was able to do with unarmed/melee in F3. (If someone built a melee character that's doing well then count this out)
- Diamond City - I just liked Megaton much more, but it can be just me.
- Companions are using too much ammo - I know my character is much more powerful than for example Piper, but damn... do they have to use so much ammo, 200 10mm rounds for one quest, I would clear 2 settlements with those bullets. Also, they have unlimited ammo for their basic weapon, so maybe if we give them a weapon that uses same ammo, they could have unlimited supply too(or atleast somehow rechargeable). Dogmeat is perfect in this situation.
- Not enough decisions and being forced to do something - This happens mostly in main storyline, for example *MAJOR SPOILER* you are almost forced to belive everything Father says, and can't question it even if you know many bad things that institute has done. While destroying Prydwen/Police Station I would love to be able to spare life of some brotherhood soldiers/staff(Haylen most notably) either by making them surrender somehow, or just letting some of them(Haylen again) go by passing charisma test maybe. This happens in some other quests, for example you can say you won't give the chip to Desdemona, but you can't go on with the story if you don't. *END OF SPOILER*
- No 4:3 Screen Support....
- My social life got hurt.
2. Bug Reports
I found couple of glitches, and would like to report that.
1) In Vault 81 I could run through Elevator Doors without opening them - that caused me to go out of bounds and fall down from map resulting in spawning back in front of elevator. Also while in vault 81 after going down with elevator (normal way this time) the music/travis line changes instantly to next one.
2) While I tried to do sneak V.A.T.S. attack with chinesse sword on daisy in Goodneighbour the game threw me out of bounds and I could travel through walls all over Boston. I couldn't recreate this bug second time to record it though.
3) Magazines are falling off my magazine stand in my settlement.
4) Sometimes enemies, that should by knocked down by my sniper shot, fly into the space. They just start flying up and never come down(it's hilarious).
5) Warwick's Farm - there is Minuteman quest where you have to talk to Roger, but if you have started or you have done The Institute quest with Roger involved in it, you won't be able to complete the minuteman one(atleast I can't do it)
3. Ideas
- I can't wait to see a DLC to this game, I generally hate DLCs because there are so much crappy DLCs nowadays, but it just seems like Fallout 4 is great core game for awesome DLCs.
- Personally I would love to see something in The Pitt style, this was my favourite Fallout 3 DLC and it was really, really AWESOME, seeing something in same vibe would fulfil my dreams.
- Also somebody suggested (gameranx on YT I think) Nick Valentine backstory DLC, that's also a great material. Having companion themed DLCs would be nice overall, I'm going to buy season pass soon, so I'm really hoping for some great content.
- More things in settlements building(I got all magazines, it's not enough for me)
- Maybe let player set "main bed" or something like that, so other settlers won't get into it, and I know, I know these things are so small, and don't affect gameplay at all, but I'm a little bit too much into settlement building.
- There are some ridicilous small things in the game - for example why is it forbiden for me to sleep in bed inside Publick Occurances building if I'm in relationship with Piper, but again that's just small things that are makng the game a little bit less realistic(I'm really getting too much into detail instead of killing mutants)
- I know Fallout is about being the Hero or Anti-Hero, especially in F4 where there aren't really good/bad ending - Minuteman one seem to be the less destructive, therefore the Good one, but why can't our Hero/Anti-hero gamble on robo races, or on Cage fights in Combat Zone. I would like to get into some bandit community or atleast participate in some bandit activites. Fallout 3 gave us option to work for Paradise Falls slavers, side with Ashur in The Pitt and so on. I undestand not all bandits will be willing to work with us, but hey, they have to recruit new bandits somehow.
4. Conclusion
Fallout 4 is great game with even greater possibilities to develop further. I hope Bethesda will consider fans feedback while making new content for the game, I'm not talking about my point of view only, because I know there a lot of other people with other thoughts. I'm sorry to hear that Fallout 4 didn't win GOTY on games awards, but it is still really bugged and need couple of fixes. I'm cheering and hoping for the best for Fallout and I want to thank Todd Howard and whole Fallout 4 crew for the awesome game. Comment on my, and share your thoughts if you want.