Hi All,
After reading a few threads it would seem many people have had an issue with the Battle for Bunker Hill quest. Mine isn't game breaking more annoying. After completing what felt like a glitchy mission all the NCP at Bunker Hill are cowering for cover long after the battle is over. I can still interact with them and I have the workshop at my disposal. It just seems a bit odd caravans and settlers are walking around happy as Larry and NPC like Kessler, Deb and Stockton to name a few are fearing for their lives. I can't find any enemies hostile or no hostile in sight.
Has anyone else had this issue, do I just have to wait longer for the aftermath to reset?
Or maybe there's a console command for this?
Pretty sure it glitched during the mission, I tend to work toward the Minutemen and as they have no direct involvement in the Battle for Bunker Hill quest I choose to inform the Railroad. I freed the synths and killed the courser in the basemant, but nothing really happened their quest markers never changed and they didn't move. So I returned to Father and informed him "I want no part in his plan". The Battle for Bunker Hill quest failed and I was banished from the institute, this unlocked the Minutemen quest line.
If anyone has experienced this possible Bunker Hill glitch or have a work around it would be appreciated.