No, having DT is the thing that is pointless and totally unrealistic.
In real combat, there is no such thing as taking zero damage just because you happen to wear a particular outfit. That is totally stupid and undermines any type of roleplaying at all. The ONLY exception would be something like shooting at a tank with a 10mm pistol, but even then the tank WILL take some damage, not simply be impervious to any effect until a certain strength of weapon is used.
DR is much more anologous to actual combat and supports actual roleplaying. BGS games are marketed as RPGs (despite certain caveats I have posted about false marketing, of course). They are not marketing their games as FPSes. People who want an FPS can choose from many on the market.
For OP, Luck is and has always been the most powerful stat in BGS games. People can use it as a dump stat if they want but only if they want to voluntarily gimp their character for some reason.
For starting builds, Endurance is probably the stat that would be easiest to use as a dump stat. You don't need lots of health early on and you shouldn't need it once you have proper outfits and weapons.
Strength would be the other unneeded stat for most builds. You don't need high carry weight initially as you can always make multiple trips in your starting local neighborhood. Only characters who don't use ranged weapons would need it for the perks.