Sent the sentry bot to USAF Olivia next to the yard, but it's gone!?
Sent the sentry bot to USAF Olivia next to the yard, but it's gone!?
You sure about that? NPCs travel in real time, they don't just teleport to their destination.
Yes, because it was ordered there and it was there, but because of radiation rain the player then travelled to sanctuary and slept and then back again, and it was gone. And controls reports it is out of reach.
Did you check back at the robot scrap yard?
It doesn't stay permanently at the destination you send it to.
Right, it has gone back to the yard.
problem is just when trying to send it to Fort Hagen, it goes about half way and then just keeps scanning a small area in a city, wasn't marked on the map. So it had to be sent back to the USAF Olivia to try again. But anyway at least it is not lost. Thanks
Yeah, the robot's bugged to all hell. I had trouble getting it started up when I first found it. Had to end up using console commands to get it moving.
Eventually I just had it self-destruct and took the cores.
that seems like a waste. Perhaps you didn't notice, but at the computer you can eject the holo tape and insert it in the pip-boy. Perhaps that makes it work ? ...
Yeah, I used it. But I found the sentry bot of limited value regardless.
I mean, you can send him to Hagen, Olivia, the Checkpoint, or Revere, but unless you travel with the bot all the way it doesn't seem to arrive (sending and then fast-traveling to the location doesn't work). Likewise, once arrived, the bot is of limited combat help which kind of makes it useless.
Right now if sending it to fort hagen it just go out on the road then a little down the road and then in complete opposite direction of the fort, then it drives into the wood, get stuck at a fence, then completely disappears ... found later back at the yard.
It should have a backseat to transport the player ...