Amata sends a radio signal out eventually which your pipboy picks up...
Whoops that's the Dlc sorry spoilers.
Wrong Fallout?
OP: AFAIK, we don't know yet. But I'd be surprised if we couldn't reenter 111. Probably part of the MQ.
Later in the game returning to Vault 111, the player can set it up as a gift shop and charge the Boston area locals caps for guided tours of the place where he was put into cold storage.
Yeah what if I accidentally left my wallet in the vault and need to go back for it?
We don't even know what happens before we leave the vault, much less if we can return.
I get the impression we won't have as much to do in the vault as we did in fallout 3, but I am looking forward to that feeling of emerging from the vault into the big wide world. An exciting moment!
The door actually just covers a small bunker in the ground only built to house one person as it was all just a scam made up by that door to door salesman. You were actually the only one who made it into the tiny bunker and you had to kill everyone else to get in there. Luckily.. you're immortal and it turns out you didn't need to kill anyone to survive at all..(oh, the irony.) It simply takes you 200 years to figure out how to open the door again. So.. there's really no reason to go back as there is nothing in there anyway... except your own bodily waste.
My impression was that when we wake up we can explore the vault as we make our way out of it. Probably won't be much to see afterward. It'd be like going back to Doc Mitchell's house. Except there's no one else there so not even like that. But my impression could be completely wrong.
Since the vault is not occupied and we just walk out, at least that is what appears to happen, I would think it safe to assume you might be able to go back in. It will likely be deserted so I am not sure why you would bother. I plan to take anything not bolted down, and search every terminal before leaving for clues to what went on before waking up.