The devs did say they'll be interested to see what people can come up with, sounds like they have a system where you can mix and match things to make new things. And write scripts to do things as well.
The devs did say they'll be interested to see what people can come up with, sounds like they have a system where you can mix and match things to make new things. And write scripts to do things as well.
We'll probably craft a brahmin pen or trading post or something within the settlement; this thing won't move, but it'll be the object within the settlement that tells it 'I'm ready to start a caravan from here or to here'.
Like a third of the animated SPECIAL short for Endurance was about eating food to maintain your health. And I wouldn't be surprised if the Lead Belly perk had a lot more food-based functionality added to later ranks to improve the effects of food.
Maybe, though have to say it would be more fun overall to craft a Brahmin cart then watch it take off after all your hard work.
The craft a crude sled and get Dogmeat to drag you around the place