» Mon Dec 07, 2015 11:42 pm
Happened to me with Jack once. That's the one and only time it's ever happened to me though. Never happened before that, never happened since. Now it's been several years so my details may be off, but if I remember correctly soon after Jack got on board I went to talk to her and she was upset about something. I calmed her down by simply being nice and non-judgmental (aka friendly) and that was the end of it. Nothing romance-like happened and no flirty dialogue came from either of us (would have been rather inappropriate in that situation imo). Later on I started a romance with Tali. After certain points in the main story I liked to go around and chat up all my crewmates since I liked the dialogue. Made my way to Jack to see how she was doing, and she promptly exploded in my face because I was romancing Tali... I was just very confused because I had made no romantic advances (in my opinion) towards Jack whatsoever. I've always been very careful with my dialogue choices because I focus greatly on stories in my games and dialogue can dramatically add to these stories. The only thing I could think of was that in one of the first conversations I had with Jack, I picked what I assumed was "friendly" but that the developers assumed was "flirty."
As such, from my point of view, if someone like myself can accidentally romance someone, I give others the benefit of the doubt when they say it happened to them.