I hope there's "I am your father" -moment.
Players with evil Karma getting "NOOOOOOOOOOOO" would be nice.
I hope there's "I am your father" -moment.
Players with evil Karma getting "NOOOOOOOOOOOO" would be nice.
Because the system is still used when you create your own settlements.
What do you think the baby crib is for? You lose you're own kid but get to see others at least
*tightly hugs metal bed frame*
It's not possible!
I honestly think this is the first time I have ever seen a Fallout 3 fan complain that Fallout 4 is ruining the series. Mind = Boggled! I expect this argument from a NV or original Fallout games fan.
Let me ask this: In Fallout 3 did you ever acquire the house in Megaton? Or the room in Tenpenny Towers? Did you fix them up? Did you ever wish you could put up a base of some kind in a different area of the game? If you answered "yes" to any of those, then what 4 offers you is really no different. Your settlement can be just a place to hang your head and stash your loot, or it can be a thriving little place with crops, vendors and a caravan trading supplies. It is entirely up to the player to decide how much to get involved with this mechanic of the game.
The family part has been debated to death, but I trust that in usual BGS fashion, I can choose to ignore whatever they do with it and continue to do as I please, just like I did not have to search for James in 3 until I felt good and ready to do so.
After reading the op post again I have a question. When was Fallout 3 story ever linear? A lot of Fallout fans say their problem with NV was it was too linear at the start of the game and praised FO3 for allowing them to do what they want from the start. You can cut 1/3 of it's story out by going straight to Rivet City once you leave the vault. How is that linear?
LOL Death_Claw u been complaining about Fallout 4 for weeks and weeks, like someone else saying vote with ur wallet.
Whatever u think, having a family or no, is just part of the story, same as Fallout 3 u have a feather and mother, and same as any other game. U just mad bc Fallout isnt what u been dreaming about. Almost all the stuff they allow us to do on the game are optional, lol exploring is optional u just can go and do main quest and be done with the game missing almost all the map on the process.
No one is forcing u to do anything
Just pretend it's your sister and your nephew, LOL. Don't mind blowing s**t up and killing every other person in the game but can't have a family for 10 minutes of the game?
Bethesda has been trending more and more towards maximizing support for player options within the world (see player marriages and Hearthfire which have zero connection to the rest of Skyrim) rather than focusing on the core game they're ostensibly marketing. I've always believed the "roleplayers" in Oblivion played a big role in convincing Bethesda that this was a good idea and it's worked out for them.
No, what they've done is add a very customisable mechanic to the game, which means the game will have loads more replayability, and game extension. Imagine the mods that can be made with this system in place.
Also if you don't want to manage a community or have a base, just skip that part of the game and do only the "RPG" stuff.
This game has never been an fps.
Says who? This series has evolved with each and every new iteration (whether developed by Interplay or Bethesda), and each subsequent entry has added new (and sometimes radical) features to the overall gameplay experience, even the Interplay titles.
To claim that something new "should not happen in [a] Fallout game" is to demonstrate a rather tone-deaf disregard for the series' fundamental character, and its long-established tradition of innovation and attempting of new things.
he had been negative in each and every post for the past weeks. I dont know why he care much from all what i read from him, he probably not going to buy the game