Maybe I'm just a special kind of crazy, but one of the things I loved to do in Oblivion and Skyrim was to wait until midnight, break into someone's house, and proceed to jump on top of their kitchen table and begin to violently toss and kick everything within reach until the guards showed up.
I did this MANY times and had a lot of fun doing it in Skyrim due to the ability to place a bucket on my victim's heads so that they would hear my escapades but were unable to see me. Oh, the lulz I had...
I plan on doing this in Fallout 4, although I am a bit concerned that I will be shot repeatedly before any guards can get to me.
Anyway, that's my crazy little thing I do in Bethesda games. What about you? Anyone have any crazy little things they do or are planning on doing in Fallout 4?